Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Mildew From an Outside Metal Bilco Door

    • 1). Put on rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with mildew.

    • 2). Remove natural debris from the Bilco metal doors with paper towels. Toss out soiled paper towels. Remove all leaves, dirt and other material so you can concentrate on the mildew stains.

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      Detergent solution effectively kills mildew spores and removes stains.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of hot water. Add 1/3 cup of a non-ammonia detergent and 1 cup of chlorine bleach. Stir the mixture with a paint stirrer until blended well.

    • 4). Wet a cleaning rag with the detergent and bleach solution. Wring out excess solution.

    • 5). Scrub the mildew stains on the Bilco metal door to kill mildew and remove stains. Rinse your cleaning cloth frequently. Apply more detergent and bleach solution and continue to wash the metal surface.

    • 6). Wipe the detergent solution off the metal doors with paper towels to avoid rinsing it into your grass or garden area. Absorb as much of the solution as you can before discarding the paper towels.

    • 7). Rinse your Bilco metal doors with the hose. Spray the top area first. Continue to rinse in a downward motion to wash detergent solution and stains off the door.

    • 8). Dry the metal doors with paper towels. Allow them to air dry the rest of the way.

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