Topical Acne Treatments That Work
Acne is a condition that affects people of all ages and all races. Very few people will go through life without at least one bout of acne. For teens with low self esteem or adults who still experience breakouts, it is important to find an effective treatment. Everyone who uses an acne treatments has expectations for positive results. The skin is one of the things that people look at first when giving a first impression. Topical acne treatments that work will lessen inflammation, open blocked pores, kill bacteria, and lessen oil production. Here are a few of the best and most popular topical acne treatments.
Benzoyl Peroxide
This medicine is usually selected first. It has been considered a staple in treating acne breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide removes extra oil on the skin, opens blocked pores, and kills bacteria. It comes in creams and gels, but may lead to dry skin since it gets rid of oil. In certain cases, the skin may swell or turn red. Since this can occur, it is wise to only use the recommended dose.
Salicylic Acid
This is normally used to treat non inflammatory acne. Salicylic acid tries to correct the unusual skin shedding that clogs pores. It does not kill bacteria or lessen the production of oil. Since it opens the pores, it may be used to get rid of blackheads or whiteheads.
Resorcinol and Sulfur
These are usually used together to open blocked pores and lessen extra amounts of oil on the skin. They may treat blackheads and whiteheads, but may lead to skin redness and peeling.
Acetone and Alcohol
Acetone cleans oil and dirt on the skin. Alcohol is an antimicrobial substance. When used together, it is a good treatment for mild acne.
Azelaic Acid
This lessens bacteria and the unusual shedding of dead skin. It takes away inflammation and treats mild to moderate acne. Azelaic acid may dry out the skin and cause it to lighten in color where applied.
Topical Antibiotics
These medicines include names like Erythromycin, Clindamycin, and Sodium Sulfacetamide. They lessen the amount of inflammation caused by bacteria. Overusing these drugs may lead to resistance in the body. It is essential to use antibiotics only as directed by a doctor. Many topical antibiotics have little negative side effects besides irritation and dryness.
Topical Retinoids
Retinoids come from vitamin A. They are quite effective to treat mild to moderate acne. Topical retinoids may include active ingredirents like Adapalene, Tretinoin, and Tazarotene. These items open blocked pores and are effective anti-inflammatories. Another positive aspect of utilizing these items is that they may take away wrinkles or fine lines on the skin. However, they may cause irritation. They must only be used under a doctor's supervision since they may lead to birth defects.
No matter what treatment is selected, it is common for it to take a month to see an improvement of the skin. Oftentimes, there is a positive response after 6 weeks. In some cases, it may take almost 4 months to get maximum results. It is normal for an acne treatment to fail because people give up on it after a few weeks because they do not see optimum results.
It it very important to persevere through treatment for 6 weeks prior to stopping. Even if a person does not notice improvement after this amount of time, there is still hope. Using a different treatment or adding another one that is more powerful will probably do the trick. Even though treatments normally clear the skin of blemishes, there is nothing that can make skin totally perfect.
This article is meant to inform people that suffer from the embarrassment of acne. It is not intended to replace medical advise that can be obtained by a dermatologist or medical specialist. Always talk to a physician about any leftover medical concerns. Follow these tips along with guidance from a dermatologist.
Benzoyl Peroxide
This medicine is usually selected first. It has been considered a staple in treating acne breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide removes extra oil on the skin, opens blocked pores, and kills bacteria. It comes in creams and gels, but may lead to dry skin since it gets rid of oil. In certain cases, the skin may swell or turn red. Since this can occur, it is wise to only use the recommended dose.
Salicylic Acid
This is normally used to treat non inflammatory acne. Salicylic acid tries to correct the unusual skin shedding that clogs pores. It does not kill bacteria or lessen the production of oil. Since it opens the pores, it may be used to get rid of blackheads or whiteheads.
Resorcinol and Sulfur
These are usually used together to open blocked pores and lessen extra amounts of oil on the skin. They may treat blackheads and whiteheads, but may lead to skin redness and peeling.
Acetone and Alcohol
Acetone cleans oil and dirt on the skin. Alcohol is an antimicrobial substance. When used together, it is a good treatment for mild acne.
Azelaic Acid
This lessens bacteria and the unusual shedding of dead skin. It takes away inflammation and treats mild to moderate acne. Azelaic acid may dry out the skin and cause it to lighten in color where applied.
Topical Antibiotics
These medicines include names like Erythromycin, Clindamycin, and Sodium Sulfacetamide. They lessen the amount of inflammation caused by bacteria. Overusing these drugs may lead to resistance in the body. It is essential to use antibiotics only as directed by a doctor. Many topical antibiotics have little negative side effects besides irritation and dryness.
Topical Retinoids
Retinoids come from vitamin A. They are quite effective to treat mild to moderate acne. Topical retinoids may include active ingredirents like Adapalene, Tretinoin, and Tazarotene. These items open blocked pores and are effective anti-inflammatories. Another positive aspect of utilizing these items is that they may take away wrinkles or fine lines on the skin. However, they may cause irritation. They must only be used under a doctor's supervision since they may lead to birth defects.
No matter what treatment is selected, it is common for it to take a month to see an improvement of the skin. Oftentimes, there is a positive response after 6 weeks. In some cases, it may take almost 4 months to get maximum results. It is normal for an acne treatment to fail because people give up on it after a few weeks because they do not see optimum results.
It it very important to persevere through treatment for 6 weeks prior to stopping. Even if a person does not notice improvement after this amount of time, there is still hope. Using a different treatment or adding another one that is more powerful will probably do the trick. Even though treatments normally clear the skin of blemishes, there is nothing that can make skin totally perfect.
This article is meant to inform people that suffer from the embarrassment of acne. It is not intended to replace medical advise that can be obtained by a dermatologist or medical specialist. Always talk to a physician about any leftover medical concerns. Follow these tips along with guidance from a dermatologist.