Article Marketing - Do You Write For Traffic Or For Profits?
Sometimes, when I read an article about traffic generation, I see huge numbers being thrown around.
1 million page views, thousands of targeted visitors, etc.
But traffic alone won't make you rich.
It's about how you monetize that traffic.
So that begs the question, "Do you write for traffic or for profits?" Here is my response.
I have noticed that when I publish in niche markets, I don't need a lot of traffic to make a profit.
But my conversion rates are very high.
I also acquire many high profile customers who are willing to pay more for the products and services that I offer.
When you look at the article marketing content that I publish, each of them send me between 5 to 10 visitors a month on average.
That's very little compared to what you get from other niches.
But 2 out of very 5 visitors end up buying something from me.
So is it profitable enough for me to keep on publishing article marketing content? Yes, it is.
This is a prime example of how you can make money from articles with low page views.
I have also published articles that are in mass consumer markets.
In other words, anyone can be a target customer - e.
health and fitness, nutrition, dating, etc.
Although the page views are much higher, conversion rates are way lower.
Because of the higher page views, I get more clicks and more leads.
But I probably need 3 to 5 times as much traffic to make the same amount of profits.
Given the above, do you write for a niche with more traffic, or do you write for profitability? It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.
Both can work.
So choose your niche wisely.
1 million page views, thousands of targeted visitors, etc.
But traffic alone won't make you rich.
It's about how you monetize that traffic.
So that begs the question, "Do you write for traffic or for profits?" Here is my response.
I have noticed that when I publish in niche markets, I don't need a lot of traffic to make a profit.
But my conversion rates are very high.
I also acquire many high profile customers who are willing to pay more for the products and services that I offer.
When you look at the article marketing content that I publish, each of them send me between 5 to 10 visitors a month on average.
That's very little compared to what you get from other niches.
But 2 out of very 5 visitors end up buying something from me.
So is it profitable enough for me to keep on publishing article marketing content? Yes, it is.
This is a prime example of how you can make money from articles with low page views.
I have also published articles that are in mass consumer markets.
In other words, anyone can be a target customer - e.
health and fitness, nutrition, dating, etc.
Although the page views are much higher, conversion rates are way lower.
Because of the higher page views, I get more clicks and more leads.
But I probably need 3 to 5 times as much traffic to make the same amount of profits.
Given the above, do you write for a niche with more traffic, or do you write for profitability? It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.
Both can work.
So choose your niche wisely.