Shoelace-tying Techniques
- One common animal knot for tying shoelaces is the bunny ears. Some children start with this simple knot. A loop is made on each lace. Then the two loops are knotted. The turtle knot is another animal shaped shoelace knot. Form two loops, like in the bunny knot. Start to the tie the knot like the bunny knot, but take one loop and feed it through the knot again. Then pull both loops tightly. This creates a more secure knot.
- Many shoelace-tying methods are not that secure. If you want to make sure your shoelaces are secure for things such as sports, use a secure knot. Start with the two loops in the bunny ears knot. Cross the loops and then wrap the right loop around the left loop. While you do this, wrap the left loop around the back. You should have ends of the loops at the opposite sides of the knot hole. Pull the loops to tighten securely.
- Triple knots are another secure tying method. Start with two loops and then double loop them. You should have four loops all together. Take these two double loops and cross them. The left one should be in the front. With your fingers, grab the outer loop of each loop. Pull them in the opposite direction through the open middle hole. Pull the loops tight and you should have a symmetrical knot, that is a triple-wrapped shoelace.
- Create a special occasion knot for a holiday such as Halloween. You can easily create an upside-down hangman's noose with your shoelaces. Start by making a loop with the right shoelace. Lay the left shoelace alongside the looped right lace. Tie the left shoelace around the looped right one starting halfway down. Wrap it tightly around the loop until you reach the bottom. Thread the end of the left shoelace into the remaining gap at the bottom of the knot to finish.