Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages


Expression: Allons-y

Pronunciation: [ah lo(n) zee]

Meaning: let's go

Literal translation: let us go there

Register: normal

Notes: The French expression allons-y is pretty simple: it's the first person plural (nous) form of the imperative of aller (to go), followed by the adverbial pronoun y. Allons-y means "let's go" both to announce that it's time to leave and to indicate the beginning of some activity.


   Il est tard, allons-y.
   It's getting late, let's go.

   Il y a un nouveau resto à côté du cinéma, allons-y.
   There's a new restaurant next to the movie theater, let's go (eat there).

   Tu veux apprendre le japonais ? Moi aussi, allons-y !
   You want to learn Japanese? Me too, let's go / let's do it!

   Vous êtes prêts ? Allons-y !
   Are you ready? Let's go!

Informal variation:Allons-y, Alonso - the name "Alonso" doesn't refer to an actual person; it's just a fun addition because the first two syllables are the same as in allons-y. It's like saying "let's go, daddy-o."

   on y va - let's go
   c'est parti - here we go


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