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What is a No Win No Fee Claim?

There are lots of personal injury specialists and claims management companies that accepts lawsuits in a no win no fee claim.
This basically meant that the plaintiff can hire legal representatives to process his/she claim.
It technically means that there are no costs involve even if the plaintiff loses the case.
This seems to be a perfect solution over the years especially to those plaintiffs who have insufficient financial assets.
The standard cost of hiring a solicitor is really expensive and many clients cannot afford to pay for the services they need.
However, do settlements made through no win no fee arrangements really free? As long as the plaintiff agrees to this settlement and wins the case, then they can walk away with their 100 percent settlement and all of the legal expenses are paid.
But what happens if the plaintiff loses the case and the claim is unsuccessful? In this case the plaintiff will be responsible for the legal expenses of the opponent and their own legal bills.
This has to be examined closely before the plaintiff must choose and agree on the no win no fee claim.
There are certain solicitors and claims companies operating in this agreement sometimes take in their own costs.
There are also some that will not take responsibility for the expenses of the other party.
It means the so called free agreements may not totally be free at all.
What are things to consider before the plaintiffs make the injury claim? This type of service is really favorable for most plaintiffs but they should not enter the agreement at once.
They have to be wise and sure that they are choosing appropriate legal representation and they understand how settlements in personal injury work and its possible options.
It is also necessary for them to check on any probable costs that they may incur whether they will sin the case or not.
It is advisable to talk to several company claims and personal injury solicitors because this can help them reduce their costs.
Also, the no win no fee claim involves claims related to personal injury.
Some of the legal cases that use this claim are motorcycle accidents, car accidents, pharmaceutical injuries, wrongful death, defective product accidents and work place injuries.
It is also beneficial if the plaintiff knows the key features of this claim.
The personal injury lawyer is entitled to his usual fee in the event that the plaintiff wins the case.
The uplift or the success fee can be raised up to 100 percent of the usual fee of the lawyer and this can be taken from the losing party.
However, the percentage uplift can be challenged by the judge and the lawyer will be asked to establish the accuracy of the percentage.
If the judge decides that the success fee is too high, the judge has the power to reduce or fix it to different percentages according to different stages or elements of the claim.
In this point, the agreed percentage of the success fee between the plaintiff and the lawyer will be invalid.
The new percentage approved by the judge will be the final success fee of the lawyer.

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