Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Treating Yeast Infections With Yogurt - Is it Really Effective?

Treating yeast infections with yogurt is a natural option that can be used alongside of other yeast medications to help the body restore its natural balance, or as a means of helping to prevent the condition from happening in the first place.
Yogurt contains quantities of the bacteria that exist naturally in the intestinal tract.
Imbalances can provide the organism that causes yeast infections with an opportunity to grow in numbers, hence the infection develops.
Yogurt can help to prevent and relieve the condition and its symptoms.
The Candida albicans organism that causes yeast infections (also known as thrush) is an opportunistic fungus.
This is often found on the body in small numbers, but it will take advantage of times when there is a lower immunity, change in body environment or when there is a reduced number of good bacteria leaving it in a position to thrive.
One way of limiting the incidence of thrush infections is by managing and preventing the number of opportunities available to the Candida fungus, which is where yogurt can be particularly useful.
In the intestine, treating yeast infections with yogurt is about restoring the balance of bacteria.
One of the reasons that these bacteria can be out of balance is if you have been taking antibiotics.
When there is a decrease in the numbers of good bacteria, eating yogurt can restore their levels.
The reason yogurt is so useful is because it contains a plentiful supply of the bacteria found in the intestine, making it a good natural way to prevent infection as well as helping the body to fight off the infection.
Another means of treating yeast infections with yogurt is the application of the yogurt around the infected area.
This can help to restore a balance in the immediate environment where the infection is located.
When the yogurt is applied to the area, it can relieve some of the more unpleasant symptoms of thrush.
Treating yeast infections with yogurt can relieve a number of symptoms and have the following benefits when it is applied directly to the area infected: oThe yogurt is able to reduce any burning sensations during urination oYogurt may help to soften and heal dry, flaky or patchy skin around the infected area oSoothes any redness and inflammation that may be present as a result of infection oHelps to restore and maintain the balance between the natural state of the sufferer's body during and after an infection If you are considering whether or not treating yeast infections with yogurt is a suitable option for you, then the main things to understand are the two options available; eating the yogurt or applying the yogurt to any infected areas.
Yogurt is a healthy, natural treatment alternative, which is useful if you don't want to take strong medications to get rid of the condition.
This type of natural treatment makes it a good choice for pregnant women, as well as a good option for the ongoing prevention of recurring yeast infections.

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