Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 Tips to Make Your Girl Receptive to Cunnilingus - Leave Her Begging For More

Is your girl not receptive to cunnilingus? If she is, she is missing out on a great deal of pleasure during lovemaking.
Cunnilingus is the preferred form of sexual activity by most women.
Why is this so? Because more than 81% of women regularly achieve orgasms from cunnilingus, when compared to only 25% of them from traditional penetration.
This shows that if your girl wishes to enjoy a great lovemaking session with you, she needs to accept cunnilingus from you.
There are many reasons why your girl is not receptive to cunnilingus.
One reason might be that she is too self-conscious.
A good typical example that we can relate to is from "do I look fat in this outfit" question.
If you want to go down on her, you need to first break this barrier before she will ever let you in between her legs.
To solve this problem, you need to compliment her.
Make her feel confident in herself.
Do it gradually over a period of time, and make sure that your compliments are genuine.
In this way, you are satisfying her emotional needs and she will slowly be more receptive to cunnilingus.
Another reason why they may not be receptive to cunnilingus is because they are too nervous about it.
In this case, what you need to do is to calm her down.
Give her a sensual back and foot massage to help her relax her body.
You should also be as romantic as you can, so as to make her feel loved.
When she feels the love from you, she will be able to calm herself down and allows you to satisfy her.
Some girls are also very sensitive to their natural smell, and this may cause your girl to not feel comfortable for you to go down on her.
In this case, what you can do is to have a shower together beforehand.
This will make both you and her more receptive to cunnilingus.
In some rare cases, she may not feel comfortable to have a shower beforehand.
It is best in such cases that you approach the subject of showering without offending her.
A suggestion for a shower for two will almost always do the trick.
These are just 3 tips to make your girl receptive to cunnilingus depending on different situations.
Communication is very important here.
As long as you are able to come into a mutual understanding between you and her, she will soon be receptive to have you going down on her.

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