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2 Sex Positions to Give Her Great Orgasms and Allow You to Last All Night - Reaching Her G-Spot

Guys like different sex positions because particular ones can give more stamina and endurance.
Girls like different sex positions because each one is a totally different experience.
If you know how to use the right sex positions and when with your girlfriend or spouse, you can make her more happy than you would ever imagine.
This can not only make her more attracted to you, but she'll be begging you for more.
For a guy, one of the best possible positions is the doggy style position.
It's comfortable, it provides a full-range of motion, and can provide easy breathing - which is important with being able to last longer.
For a woman, this position is also favorable.
It may not be the best possible position, but it is desirable because of that full range of motion.
Another position that is as pleasurable, if not more, is one that requires a man to be fully aroused.
The man should lay flat on his back on the bed with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed so they bend at the knees.
The girl should get in a crouching position facing away from the man.
The woman should then enter him and put one arm back by his head, so her back is arched over his body.
A slow rhythmic motion can provide the woman a sensation that probably hasn't been felt before.
By moving gently back and forth, the G-Spot will be triggered sporadically, allowing her to climax over and over again.

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