Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Slip and Falls: A Common Construction Site Accident

construction site accidentOne of the most common types of accidents on construction sites involves victims who either slip and fall or trip and fall. These types of falls cause serious injuries that cost the victims and their family members significant amount of money. In fact, slip or trip and fall accidents on construction sites most often result in death. Even when the victim survives, they face tough challenges, including costly medical bills and the inability to return to work and earn a living.


 The Common Causes of Construction Site Falls

Fall injuries happen on construction sites for a variety of reasons. Some of the common causes include:

-          Slipping or tripping and falling after being hit by another falling object

-          Slipping or tripping over equipment or other debris left on the ground

-          Falling off of malfunctioning equipment or weak scaffold

-          Tripping and falling over unguarded protruding steel bars

-          Inappropriate use of inappropriate ladders and hoists.

-          Lack of edge protection in roof work


Regardless of what caused the fall, the resulting injuries are often catastrophic and devastating. Victims of construction site fall can suffer:

-          Broken or fractured bones

-          Spinal cord injuries

-          Traumatic brain injury and other head trauma

-          Damaged organs

-          Severe lacerations

-          Death


Getting the Right Legal Help

If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a construction fall accident, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. To ensure that you get the full extent of the compensation that you are entitled to, it would be in your best interest to retain an experienced construction site accident attorney to represent you and help you protect your rights. Common causes of outdoor trip and fall accidents include tripping over parking blocks or cracks in a sidewalk.

In certain cases, where the employer or the contractor was apparently negligent for the accident that caused your injuries, you may be entitled to significant compensation. An aggressive attorney can help you get the money damages that you deserve.

Overall, slips/trips and falls or damage caused by manual handling/lifting remain the main culprits of injury in the workplace.


Call a Construction Site Accident Attorney Today

Please call 1-800-529-9997 to consult with one of our experienced New York construction accident attorneys. If you or a family member has suffered a fall at a construction site that resulted in a serious injury, we can answer many of your questions regarding the construction accident. We invite you to contact us at Gersowitz, Libo & Korek, P.C. Law Offices for a free, confidential case evaluation

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