Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Story by a Deaf Person - Living in a Hearing World

Updated January 14, 2015.

Author Becki Newman: "This story is completely fictional but the situation and topic is real. Deafness is a very real thing in this society and many people don’t see deaf people as people. "
Jill Adams had been born deaf. She would never know what it sounded like to hear her mother or father call her to the dinner table. Her parents had decided early on that she would be taught at home while her older brother Cody went to public school.

Jill didn’t understand why Cody got to go to school with his friends and she couldn’t go with him. Cody was very protective of Jill since he was 2 years older. Her parents never thought that she would be deaf. Her mother was very protective of her. Her father thought that her mother was smothering her though. Cody wished that Jill could share in the activities that he and his friends did but since she was deaf there was only one way for her to communicate with Cody. His friends were very protective of Jill as well. Cody’s best friend Cameron even took the time to learn sign language to be able to communicate with Jill. Cameron confided in Cody that he liked Jill. Cody wasn’t surprised about that. Jill though was very shy around Cameron.

Their parents were not sure if it was a good idea for Jill to get involved with Cameron because of her being deaf, Cody though that it would be a very good idea because than she would not be so isolated from other people.

Cameron spent more and more time around Jill and the more that he spent time with her the more that he fell in love with her.

Cody even saw the way that Cody looked at Jill when she would walk into a room. Cody knew that Cameron would never hurt Jill because Cody loved her too much to want to hurt her. If Cameron ever hurt Jill it would be like hurting himself that is how much Cameron loved Jill. When some of Cameron’s friends though found out that he was dating a deaf girl that would make fun of him, Cameron though would not stoop to their level because that would just get him into trouble. He was after all the captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams where he went to high school. Cody supported Cameron in the idea of his dating Jill from the start. Jill would get all giggly around Cody every time that he was in the room. Cameron would beam with pure love because he knew that Jill loved him. Cody and Jill’s parents after a while got used to Cameron being Jill’s boyfriend. Cody and Cameron were both senior’s in High school at this point in time and Cameron had been accepted to one of the top schools in the northeast, Penn State.

Cameron wanted Jill to come with him when he went to Penn state but her parents didn’t think that it would be a good idea. Cameron went on to explain that Jill would be able to go to college as well there were translators at the school and that way cameron and Jill would be together rather than him only seeing her on the weekends or vacations. Jill wanted this very much. Her parents started to realize that they would have to let her go and this seemed like the right time to do it. They knew that Cameron and Cody would not let anything happen to Jill.

So the following weekend Cameron and Jill and Cody started to pack up their stuff to be able to drive to Penn State to get settled. Jill’s parents wanted to go with them to settle her in but upon Cody’s decision he didn’t want them to go because Jill and Cameron would be fine. Cody went with them because he was going to Penn State too, their parents felt better knowing that Cody would be on campus with them rather than Jill and Cameron on the campus by themselves. None of them even had to stay in the dorms, they were able to get an apartment close to campus. Someone would be able to get Jill to class and so forth. Just because Jill had a disability didn’t mean that she couldn’t get a good education just like most hearing people. She did even better than most of her classmates. She was able to talk some but she preferred to do sign language.

Cody and Cameron were talking one night while Jill was at a meeting with her translator. Cameron told Cody that he wanted to ask Jill to marry him because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Cody was so happy to hear that from Cameron. Cody told him that he was waiting for that time to come.

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