Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

The Benefits of a Wireless Home Security System

Your safety and security are our priority as an alarm company. Our goal is to offer clients the best products for protecting the homes possible. The wireless home security system that we offer will ensure that your home or business will be protected 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You probably have read our other posts and already know that a wireless security system is capable of providing better security than a traditional wired system. Just think about what would happen if the would be criminal would cut the phone line on an old alarm system. That would be dangerous.

The wireless features of our alarm system have some important advantages which you can read about in the Kinneton-Butler Patch. This is a local publication that covers news in Kinneton, NJ and talks about the dangers of the traditional wired security systems.

The story describes a situation where the telephone line was cut during a robbery. The owner of the home came home to notice that the front door had been pried open and that numerous personal belongings had been stolen including family jewelry. The police arrived shortly thereafter to take a report.

The police documented the cut telephone line and also noticed that the alarm panel inside the home had been damaged.

A wireless alarm system would have notified the police immediately of the break-in attempt and the homeowner would never have lost their personal belongings. The thief would have never been able to make it inside the house without the alarm going off.

The home security systems that we offer require no phone line so there is no way a thief can disable the system. The base station also sounds a siren warning any possible intruder that the system has been activated and the police have been called.

SimpliSafe can protect your home 24 hours a day without the worry of would be intruder being able to simply cut the phone line to disable the system. There are no phone lines to cut. The minute an intruder is detected the system goes to work protecting you home or business by calling the authorities.

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