Ideas for a Toast for The Best Man
- Talk about past experiences you've shared with the bride and groom. Mention how long you have known them, and if you were present when they met or first began dating. Tell a story or two from their past that is exemplary of who they really are, or of what your relationship with one or both of them is like. Keep these stories humorous but heartfelt, and avoid bringing up anything that could cause embarrassment or discomfort. If you are going to bring up an anecdote to poke fun at the groom or the couple, be sure that you are not inadvertently attacking a source of pain or weakness.
- Describe the positive attributes of the bride and groom. Talking about these things will help you to communicate why they work well as a couple. Talk about how the bride has made the groom feel, the influence she has had on his life and what good things have come about as a result of their relationship. You may also discuss the bride's positive qualities and how they mesh with those of the groom.
- Use humor in your toast to keep the mood light and festive. You may want to tell a funny story from your past with the couple, or you may want to use funny quotes or jokes to introduce ideas about them and their relationship, or your relationship with them. Keep jokes and stories brief to avoid boring the guests.
- Your toast should be heartfelt and reveal the emotional connection you have to the bride and groom. Stories that you tell and wishes that you share should be rooted in that connection, and should be evidence of your continued friendship. You may describe the happiness you feel when you are around the couple and the joy you take in their being together.
- End the toast with your wishes for the couple's future. You may wish for things like long lives full of happiness, success in their careers and children. Include a sentence or two about building a life together as a married couple. Keep these well wishes upbeat and brief.