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Warlock Leveling Guide and Warlock Leveling Spec

Starting a new WoW toon is always a bit difficult, especially when you're the type who likes to do everything right.
Warlock is a fun and fairly easy class, though, and this Warlock leveling guide and its Warlock leveling spec will make things even less of a hassle in your quest to level eighty.
Warlock is one of the most powerful PvE classes if played correctly, and with the right spec you will be almost invincible while soloing, and experience zero downtime.
The best soloing tree is Affliction, as it is incredibly powerful and mana efficient when leveling, resulting in a Warlock that never needs to eat or drink.
The basic Affliction Warlock Leveling Spec is as follows: Improved Curse of Agony - Rank 2/2 Suppression - Rank 3/3 Improved Corruption - Rank 5/5 Improved Drain Soul - Rank 2/2 Improved Life Tap - Rank 2/2 Soul Siphon - Rank 2/2 Improved Fear - Rank 2/2 Fel Concentration - Rank 3/3 Nightfall - Rank 2/2 Empowered Corruption - Rank 2/3 Shadow Embrace - Rank 1/5 Siphon Life - Rank 1/1 Shadow Mastery - Rank 5/5 Contagion - Rank 5/5 Dark Pact - Rank 1/1 Improved Howl of Terror - Rank 2/2 Malediction - Rank 3/3 Unstable Affliction - Rank 1/1 Pandemic - Rank 1/1 Everlasting Affliction - Rank 5/5 Haunt - Rank 1/1 After you have these talents the rest of your choices are really up to you; I'd recommend finishing out talents like Empowered Corruption and grabbing other useful talents you passed up along the way.
With a good Warlock leveling spec, we're now ready for our Warlock leveling guide.
First, non-class-specific tips: Use keybinds for abilities and the mouse for turning; if you're doing it the other way, you're going to react slow and be, to put it bluntly, a bad player.
Don't forget to log out at the inn, or in a major city; the extra experience from rest is pretty nice.
Use a good questing guide.
Addons and the built-in quest-goal indicator are handy, but you'll move much quicker doing quests in a certain order as opposed to just wandering from goal to goal.
Warlocks don't usually need it, but keep Food and Water in handy anyways; if you end up low on health and mana it sucks to have to wait for passive regen to fill you back up.
Now, the actual Warlock leveling guide! Early on, when using a Voidwalker, make sure it has it's agro abilities turned on! Try to keep the Life Tap buff from the Life Tap Glyph up at all times, the extra damage is well worth it.
Learn to kite! When thing turn ugly kiting can let you burn down even the toughest opponents.
Go for Spellpower/Shadow Damage, Stamina, Int, and Spirit over other stats! Now, warlock play varies a lot as you level, so let's go over each range.
You'll start with nothing but Shadow Bolt.
Pretty soon, though, you'll have your Imp and a few spells.
Your early rotation should be: 1: Send in Imp while immolating 2:Apply Curse of Agony, then Corruption 3:Wand the mob to death After you get your Voidwalker and Drain Soul, things change again: 1:Send in Voidwalker 2:Apply CoA, Corruption, then Immolate 3:Wand mob below 25% then Drain Soul it dead Once you get drain life, you can start using Life Tap aggressively as well, by changing to 3:Life Tap, Drain Life mob below 25% then Drain Soul After a while, you'll have Fel Concentration.
Now you can start drain tanking.
Switch your pet to Succubus, and do this: 1:Send in Succubus while casting Immolate 2:Apply CoA, Corruption 3:Life Tap, Drain life until mob is close to dying, Drain Soul Also, make sure to use any procs of Shadowbolt that you get from Nightfall or Glyphs when they come up! Things stay the same until you get Dark Pact; at this point, we're back to the Imp! 1:Immolate while sending in the Imp 2:Apply Corruption and CoA 3:Life Tap, then Drain Life (using Shadow Bolt when you get Procs) 4:Drain Soul to finish the mob, Dark Pact when mana is needed Once you get Unstable Affliction, it will replace Immolate in your rotation.
And once you get Haunt, make sure to start with it and keep it's buff up for maximum damage.

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