What Is The Best Way To Write Articles? Here"s 3 Suggestions
Article marketing is a great form of content marketing that produces some of the highest quality traffic online today.
But for newbies who are struggling to write their first article or for people who just don't know how to write an article, a natural apprehension comes over them and a lot of times they never write their first article.
A lot of that is fear, but some people may not have any idea of the different ways an article can be written.
So in this article, I'm going to give 3 suggestions of how someone can write an article.
Use a formula - This method right here probably makes the most sense for newbies because they are looking for a roadmap to tell them what to do.
A formula is easy to follow and it takes the guess work out of how to formulate an article.
The next 2 suggestions will build upon this formula model.
A typical 'article formula' might look something like this.
You first have your intro paragraph where you introduce the topic, you define the topic, you give one supporting statement and then you tell them what you're going to teach them in the article.
The next part of the formula is the body of the article, where you give them the goods.
A typical article will be 25% intro, 75% body.
The last part of the article is the resource box inviting them back to your website.
Write like you're talking to your best friend - This is my favorite way to write articles and it's also the way I write most of my articles.
Why? Because people like reading content when it flows good and when it sounds natural...
and that's exactly how you want your articles to sound.
When you achieve this, your readers become more engaged with you and they tend to start to like you and trust you more.
The nice thing about knowing the formula in suggestion #1 is that you can write your articles in a very natural way while still keeping the integrity of the formula together.
In fact, if you look at this article, you can see how the intro paragraph is the same formula I gave to you, but the article still sounds natural (hopefully).
The reality is the more articles you write, the more your articles will sound natural, but the structure of the formula always stays there.
Outsource your articles - Now I'm not a fan of this method until you have quite a few articles under your belt, like quite a few hundred or even over a thousand.
Why? You have to become an expert in this field before you can start monitoring the work of what other people are doing for you.
Outsourcing article writing can be a very good strategy for your business, but unfortunately there are a lot of 'article writers' that have bad grammar, or they plagiarize content which will never get accepted by the article directories.
The best method of outsourcing writers is to set proper expectations of them, tell them you will not pay for plagiarized work and take care of the good writers you find that do tremendous work.
Once again, until you've become an expert at writing articles, you shouldn't outsource the writing.
Furthermore, knowing the formula will help you train the writers of how you want your articles formatted.
But for newbies who are struggling to write their first article or for people who just don't know how to write an article, a natural apprehension comes over them and a lot of times they never write their first article.
A lot of that is fear, but some people may not have any idea of the different ways an article can be written.
So in this article, I'm going to give 3 suggestions of how someone can write an article.
Use a formula - This method right here probably makes the most sense for newbies because they are looking for a roadmap to tell them what to do.
A formula is easy to follow and it takes the guess work out of how to formulate an article.
The next 2 suggestions will build upon this formula model.
A typical 'article formula' might look something like this.
You first have your intro paragraph where you introduce the topic, you define the topic, you give one supporting statement and then you tell them what you're going to teach them in the article.
The next part of the formula is the body of the article, where you give them the goods.
A typical article will be 25% intro, 75% body.
The last part of the article is the resource box inviting them back to your website.
Write like you're talking to your best friend - This is my favorite way to write articles and it's also the way I write most of my articles.
Why? Because people like reading content when it flows good and when it sounds natural...
and that's exactly how you want your articles to sound.
When you achieve this, your readers become more engaged with you and they tend to start to like you and trust you more.
The nice thing about knowing the formula in suggestion #1 is that you can write your articles in a very natural way while still keeping the integrity of the formula together.
In fact, if you look at this article, you can see how the intro paragraph is the same formula I gave to you, but the article still sounds natural (hopefully).
The reality is the more articles you write, the more your articles will sound natural, but the structure of the formula always stays there.
Outsource your articles - Now I'm not a fan of this method until you have quite a few articles under your belt, like quite a few hundred or even over a thousand.
Why? You have to become an expert in this field before you can start monitoring the work of what other people are doing for you.
Outsourcing article writing can be a very good strategy for your business, but unfortunately there are a lot of 'article writers' that have bad grammar, or they plagiarize content which will never get accepted by the article directories.
The best method of outsourcing writers is to set proper expectations of them, tell them you will not pay for plagiarized work and take care of the good writers you find that do tremendous work.
Once again, until you've become an expert at writing articles, you shouldn't outsource the writing.
Furthermore, knowing the formula will help you train the writers of how you want your articles formatted.