Health & Medical Men's Health

Fantasy of a Bigger Penis

One of the most common secret desires of men is the fantasy of a bigger penis.
Since the beginning of time men have been deeply concerned with the size of their penis, and to some men it is a source of embarrassment and worry.
The overwhelming desire for a larger penis manifests itself today with many men in the form of pornography, where the males on video have large members, and are seen in the mind as icons of sexual power, when in reality many woman prefer a more modest sized man for their comfort and enjoyment of sex.
The fantasy still remains strong however due largely to the media which plays on these fears.
Penis enhancement medication and other techniques have become extremely popular in the last ten or so years and a great deal of men are buying into it.
Even though these pills do not work and will not make your penis larger men will continue to buy them in large numbers simply because they believe there may be a change, when most assuredly there will not.
The fantasy of a bigger penis does not start here either.
If you take a moment to look back through our history you will see that the penis played a very large symbolic role in most cultures.
The further you go back, the more you will find statues and sculptures depicting the phallic symbol as a god or something that is worshiped by that culture.
Of course the situation evolved from simply worshiping the image of male genitalia, but even so there was an is a large emphasis placed on this oldest of all fantasies today.
If a man drives a very large truck or very expensive sports car, it is not uncommon to crack a joke that he is "compensating" for something.
This shows how it is still at the forefront of our thought and also how we still use the idea of a small penis as something to insult someone else.
There are a million other examples that all depend how far you would like to go back and look.
Kings carry long vertical staffs with some sort of large design or orb at one end, looking much like a phallic symbol.
The desire for a bigger penis is something that makes rears its head in every man at one point or another, and then it becomes a matter of how we deal with our insecurities, because it is in fact a FANTASY.
The best thing to do is to remember that women are about 60% less concerned than men about penis size, and that to worry will only detract further from your sexual experience.

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