Health & Medical Anti Aging

Are You Showing the Signs of Aging? Some Facts on Treating Aging Skin

If you're beginning to detect those tell-tale visible signs and considering treating aging skin, then are you aware of what's available? Here's a brief look at some options.
Perhaps we don't like to be reminded too much about the causes as for many it's a bit late but here's a quick recap.
They fall into two camps, intrinsic and extrinsic.
The intrinsic factors are closely related to you genetic make up and it's just pot luck if you're getting more sagging or loose skin than someone else the same age who isn't.
The aging process creeps up on us, and even that all important collagen begins to decrease and elastin, the thing that makes your skin snap back into place has less spring.
The extrinsic or external factors are ones like smoking, gravity and sun exposure or photoaging as dermatologists call it.
This last one has quite a depressing list of what happens over years of constant, unprotected exposure.
This includes age spots, freckles, blotchy complexion, loose skin and even skin cancers.
So, in treating aging skin here's what's on offer.
Botulinum toxin and injectable fillers are really for someone leading a busy life who don't want to be bothered by a long recovery.
These following topical treatments are designed to help restore your skin giving it a refreshed and smoother look.
Lasers resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peels.
However, before embarking on anything it would be wise to consult a dermatologist, who can examine your skin.
He may even recommend a good over-the-counter product.
Here's where I've found some real gems, producers who have truly effective, safe topical skin care products that would be a useful ally in treating aging skin.

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