Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Is Exercise for Sciatic Pain a Viable Solution?

There are millions of people who suffer from sciatica each and every year.
And for each of these people, there is a different reason behind the pain.
For some, sciatica is actually caused by exercising improperly, or wearing bad shoes when they are running.
For others, flare-ups of sciatica are caused by temporary or periodic 'stress' injuries.
Regardless of what is causing sciatica pain, the awful truth is that it is a very painful and often debilitating condition.
And most people feel the intuitive response to just stay in bed, or to prop up on the couch with some ice bags until the pain decides to dissipate.
After all, with sciatica you can barely move - the last thing you want to consider is exercise! Physicians whole-heartedly agree that exercise for sciatic pain is actually a great solution to both what is causing the pain, and to alleviating the symptoms once they arise! In fact, one of the worst things that you can do is sit idle, or lie around - which often only makes the sciatic condition worse.
Exercise in general helps to improve the condition of the spinal discs, where the sciatic nerve may be pinched.
Every time you move, you are supplying your spinal column with nutrients and fluids that will keep them healthy.
Great Exercises for Sciatica Relief If you have visited a doctor, chances are they will give you a comprehensive list of exercises that are tailored to the reasons you experience sciatic pain.
Before starting any exercises, it is important that you check with a physician.
The following exercises however are great ways to help alleviate sciatic pain.
  1. Core Muscle Workouts.
    Too often, the reason that the spinal column is weak is because muscles in the core (stomach and back) are not strong.
    Then when you try to exercise, or do normal activities you are at a heightened risk of injuring yourself.
    Doing gentle strengthening of the core muscles, such as sit-ups, leg lifts, and stretches you can actually help to ease the pain and lessen your chances of a return flare up.
  2. Hamstring Stretches.
    It doesn't matter WHY you have sciatica, around 96% of all sufferers feel pain and discomfort in the hamstring.
    These muscles are used in nearly your every single movement.
    If these muscles are too tight, there is a good chance that you could run into sciatic issues.
    Simply stretching the hamstrings every single day, several times a day, is a good way to ward of sciatica.
    Best part is you can do this in bed, in your car or while you are sitting around watching television.
  3. Walking.
    When the pain of sciatica flares up, running may not be a good option - especially if you aren't already in shape.
    However, walking is one of the best things that you can do for your overall health and wellbeing.
    It is important to wear supportive shoes and to make sure that you stretch beforehand.
One thing to consider is your ergonomics when you exercise.
Just doing the exercise is not nearly as important as doing it correctly.
If you aren't sure how to exercise properly, you might want to work on a singular basis with a physical therapist or physical trainer to ensure that you are doing exercises right.
This will greatly help reduce your risk of sciatica flaring up in the future.

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