Health & Medical Acne

Cause of Adult Acne - An Ageless Problem That Plagues Adults

Some time after you get your driver's license, your high school diploma and your first legal drink, you figure your acne days are numbered.
"Don't worry," everyone tells the tortured, pimpled teenager, "you'll outgrow it.
" The good news is, most do.
The bad news is, there are more zits to come.
A formidable array of acnes can get adults on the job, or at home, or at war.
The most common version isn't even a true acne but goes by the name and wreaks similar vengeance on a middle-aged face.
Acne rosacea, as it's called, at first produces a flushed, ruddy complexion, but it can progress with time to create the drunken, bulbous red-nosed look that only a W.
Fields fan could love.
People in their 30s or 40s won't want to say they have acne--they'll call it a complexion problem--but a lot of adults have these problems, and maybe because there's more disposable income, a lot more people these days are willing to seek professional help to deal with them.
Acne is a simple, though in many ways still unexplained, condition in which a hair follicle, or pore, becomes clogged by a mixture of the skin's natural oil and surface bacteria.
As more oil is produced within the skin and unable to escape to the surface, it creates an inflammation in the form of red bumps, whiteheads and blackheads.
Fluctuating hormones appear to be a key factor in adolescent acne, but scientists aren't certain exactly how they create the skin problem.
Hormonal imbalances can continue to trigger acne in adults, but more frequently the flare-ups appear to have other origins.
Some acne bumps are a simple reflection of a person's work or wardrobe.
Friction acne produces a usually painful pimple or bump where a foreign object persistently rubs the skin.
Anyone who sits with chin against telephone receiver all day is a prime candidate for a friction zit.
A flair for fashionable coiffures can produce a facial flare-up called pomade acne, so named for the heavy styling goos we use.
The condition is characterized by tiny bumps at the hairline.
Acne also can be a side-effect of drugs or other chemical agents, from steroids to anticonvulsants to iodides in some medications and vitamins.
Or it can be tell-tale evidence of poisons within.
Victims of dioxin poisoning --sometimes from chemical spills or military use, as with Agent Orange defoliant--frequently develop a rash of tiny blackheads around the outer eye region.

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