A Kids mind is a Magic Muscle
Magic! Its just Science
Boy its good to know about Magic! Its even better when you know how to make your life how you want it. Honestly it feels good when you finally understand that you don't have to blame other people for what sucks about your life. And it's even better when you realize you can change anything you don't like.
Ok, let's get into some science so this Magic won't seem like something out of a fairy tale book.
How many times have you listened to a radio? Many times I know. And every station has a different kind of music.
When you try to find a song that you like on the radio, you push the little button and tune the radio to find a song that you like, right? When you hear that song, you know that it comes from somewhere far, far away. The music is sent though the air and you can't see it. But you can hear it, and you know that it is there. You can turn the volume up or you can turn the volume down.
It's the same thing for the Magic. It's always there even if you can't see it. Just like with your radio, just tune into the Magic.. Think, Feel and expect the music you want.
Sometimes you will pick up some static just like you do with your radio. That just means you have to tune into it a little harder. That static is just the old station you used to pick up. You don't want to hear that anymore, so keep tuning.
You know when you find that perfect song on the radio, its being sent to thousands of other people too. In a way all these people are connected to each other through that huge spider web.
When you are tuning in your Magic, you are connecting with thousands of other people who are on that same station. Lots of these people are already in your life or are soon to come into your life. The same kind of spider-webs want to stick to each other. The stronger your Magic Muscle gets, and the clearer you tune into that station which means more and more people will begin to give you what you want.
And remember when you are going about your day, you think a lot of thoughts everyday. Those thoughts make you feel a lot of emotions. So everyday you can tune into lots of different stations and not even notice it. And sometimes you pick opposites.
When you try to pick up two opposite stations this is NO GOOD. One station is you thinking "I really suck at sports" and the other one is "I really like tennis; I wish I was good at that".
So, now you have the Magic Muscle trying to do two different things at one time. How can you be good at tennis AND suck at sports too? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, ha ha ha!
You know what? The most important thing for you to do is to ALWAYS feel good about yourself! Or you will be trying to hear two songs at once. Is there anything about you that you do not like? Maybe your weight? Maybe your height? Maybe it's just how long your face is? Maybe you have no arm?
I have NEWS for you! If you can find any one thing that you do not like about yourself, it is not YOU that you do not like. You have to love you, because you are YOU! If you say "I do not like this about myself", then you have only fooled yourself, because I know better.
The only thing that can make you feel bad about yourself is if you have let someone else tell you what you are supposed to feel. Someone, somewhere, sometime has said something about you that was wrong. Who said they knew what is right and what is wrong? If you decide to believe what someone else says, then that does become true to you. What if I say your Mama is ugly? ha ha. Well no matter what anyone says, that can only be true if you believe that. If you don't want to believe that, then you realize you just picked up some static on your radio huh? Until you get really really good at using your Magic Muscle, you are going to get some static now and then.
Think about this. Let's say you and your sister were shipwrecked on a deserted island when you are really small. You two are pretty smart guys so you figured out how to take care of yourselves. Eventually you two would be happy there with just what you have. You wouldn't know to miss anyone because you don't remember anyone else. You would not ever think something was wrong with you because there was no one around to tell you something was wrong with you. All you would know is the truth, that you are great just like you are. So if someone wants to be a Donkey Ass and tell you something you don't like, then why would you decide to believe a Donkey Ass?
So NEVER say you do not like who you are. NEVER say you are not great just the way you are. And NEVER listen to anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself. If you decide listen to them, you are not being smart either. When words come out of someone's mouth, they are just words if you let them be. They have no power unless you say they do. Words can be just noise passing through the air. And a noise will not hurt you. But if you decide to believe what they say, when you know that is wrong, then, you have not been very smart have you?
If Baboo says now "YOUR MAMA IS UGLY"! HA HA HA HA HA, would you believe me? Of course not! You see the Magic in your mother, and you know I am not speaking the truth. If you know when Baboo does not speak the truth, then you must know when someone else does not speak the truth about you. If you will not believe a lie or joke about your mother, then do not believe a lie or joke about YOU!
If you have believed anyone who has told you a lie about you, then you have sent this feeling all across that invisible spider web. And you will find more and more people who make you feel bad about yourself. Then, you believe even more that something is wrong with you. Do you see how this works now? And don't get all bent out of shape, its YOUR Magic Muscle!
Don't ever see anything wrong with you. Feel great about who you are and what you look like. And when you do this enough, when you really feel good about who you are, you will have sent this feeling all out across the invisible spider web and new friends and events will come to you.
If you have a hard time revving up the Magic, then here is a trick you can do. Take just a minute and think back to something in your life that made you laugh really hard. Maybe you were sleeping over at a friend's house, and telling jokes and you got so silly that you laughed all night long? Just think about something like that. Remember how that felt? Excited, happy, buzzing with energy, that was the Magic running all through you. All you have to do is remember what that feels like and you can feel it again, right now even.
Have you got that now? YES! That was a fun time wasn't it? It made you laugh so hard. Get that feeling inside you then THINK about what you want!
Try this too. Remember a time when you were truly surprised about something great. Maybe a Christmas present, Birthday present, or a visit by someone really special? Think about that for a minute. How you felt, the excited buzzing in your stomach. That's the Magic, now all you have to do is work the Muscle!
When you remember that feeling you are so very happy. And that feeling is just the Magic. You can choose to feel right now or anytime you wish. I didn't make you feel that, I just reminded you it was there. And you did the rest all by yourself! That is how you find the Magic. Now you just think about what you want, while you feel this way. That's using your Magic Muscle!
I could have asked you to think about something that made you very angry. But why would I do that if I can show you how to feel happy? And why would you want to be angry anyway?
Sometimes you will get mad about something. That's just an emotion that kind of comes over you before you have time to think about it. And if this happens, that is ok too. But if I get angry, I don't get mean or ugly. Anger means action to me, and I don't mean violence either. I know that anger works for me. It has to do what I tell it to do. All the anger wants me to do is SOMETHING! I will do something.
If someone makes me mad, I have to remember that somehow they found me over the big spider-web. Somehow I had something to do with it. But they did something I don't like. Lets say a creepy dude pushed me in the hall way. That would make me angry. Then he bowed up to me to tried and scare me.
If he did scare me, then I know I don't feel like I can take care of myself. Maybe I feel like he could kick my butt? So now I would be scared and angry.
That situation would suck, for a minute. But you know what I would do after that? I would figure out that I was scared because I didn't have enough self confidence. Then I would let that anger motivate me to learn how to box, or learn some karate or find someone who could teach me what to do.
I'm Baboo, and Baboo loves peace. But now that I know how strong I am, and how well I can take care of myself, no one wants to push me. Somehow they know if they try to hurt me, they would regret it, HA HA HA.. Funny but true!
If you get angry sometimes, that's ok. But always remember the anger works for you! Just let it motivate you to do the right thing.
You know something else that really helps you to swing some Magic in a hurry is to do something nice for someone else. How does that work? Well just like everything else. You put good vibes out there on the spider-web when you do nice things. When someone really appreciates something you have done, WOW that really sparks that Magic up for you.
When you create your world its all the little choice's that you make. You choose what you decide to think about. You choose what you decide to feel. You choose what you decide to expect. And if you decide to think bad thoughts, or if you decide to feel bad emotions, or if you decide to believe negative beliefs, then that is what you will get more of. And if that is what you really want, then not even I can save you. You will always get what you ask for.
Now Baboo wants to tell you something else very important.
Boy its good to know about Magic! Its even better when you know how to make your life how you want it. Honestly it feels good when you finally understand that you don't have to blame other people for what sucks about your life. And it's even better when you realize you can change anything you don't like.
Ok, let's get into some science so this Magic won't seem like something out of a fairy tale book.
How many times have you listened to a radio? Many times I know. And every station has a different kind of music.
When you try to find a song that you like on the radio, you push the little button and tune the radio to find a song that you like, right? When you hear that song, you know that it comes from somewhere far, far away. The music is sent though the air and you can't see it. But you can hear it, and you know that it is there. You can turn the volume up or you can turn the volume down.
It's the same thing for the Magic. It's always there even if you can't see it. Just like with your radio, just tune into the Magic.. Think, Feel and expect the music you want.
Sometimes you will pick up some static just like you do with your radio. That just means you have to tune into it a little harder. That static is just the old station you used to pick up. You don't want to hear that anymore, so keep tuning.
You know when you find that perfect song on the radio, its being sent to thousands of other people too. In a way all these people are connected to each other through that huge spider web.
When you are tuning in your Magic, you are connecting with thousands of other people who are on that same station. Lots of these people are already in your life or are soon to come into your life. The same kind of spider-webs want to stick to each other. The stronger your Magic Muscle gets, and the clearer you tune into that station which means more and more people will begin to give you what you want.
And remember when you are going about your day, you think a lot of thoughts everyday. Those thoughts make you feel a lot of emotions. So everyday you can tune into lots of different stations and not even notice it. And sometimes you pick opposites.
When you try to pick up two opposite stations this is NO GOOD. One station is you thinking "I really suck at sports" and the other one is "I really like tennis; I wish I was good at that".
So, now you have the Magic Muscle trying to do two different things at one time. How can you be good at tennis AND suck at sports too? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, ha ha ha!
You know what? The most important thing for you to do is to ALWAYS feel good about yourself! Or you will be trying to hear two songs at once. Is there anything about you that you do not like? Maybe your weight? Maybe your height? Maybe it's just how long your face is? Maybe you have no arm?
I have NEWS for you! If you can find any one thing that you do not like about yourself, it is not YOU that you do not like. You have to love you, because you are YOU! If you say "I do not like this about myself", then you have only fooled yourself, because I know better.
The only thing that can make you feel bad about yourself is if you have let someone else tell you what you are supposed to feel. Someone, somewhere, sometime has said something about you that was wrong. Who said they knew what is right and what is wrong? If you decide to believe what someone else says, then that does become true to you. What if I say your Mama is ugly? ha ha. Well no matter what anyone says, that can only be true if you believe that. If you don't want to believe that, then you realize you just picked up some static on your radio huh? Until you get really really good at using your Magic Muscle, you are going to get some static now and then.
Think about this. Let's say you and your sister were shipwrecked on a deserted island when you are really small. You two are pretty smart guys so you figured out how to take care of yourselves. Eventually you two would be happy there with just what you have. You wouldn't know to miss anyone because you don't remember anyone else. You would not ever think something was wrong with you because there was no one around to tell you something was wrong with you. All you would know is the truth, that you are great just like you are. So if someone wants to be a Donkey Ass and tell you something you don't like, then why would you decide to believe a Donkey Ass?
So NEVER say you do not like who you are. NEVER say you are not great just the way you are. And NEVER listen to anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself. If you decide listen to them, you are not being smart either. When words come out of someone's mouth, they are just words if you let them be. They have no power unless you say they do. Words can be just noise passing through the air. And a noise will not hurt you. But if you decide to believe what they say, when you know that is wrong, then, you have not been very smart have you?
If Baboo says now "YOUR MAMA IS UGLY"! HA HA HA HA HA, would you believe me? Of course not! You see the Magic in your mother, and you know I am not speaking the truth. If you know when Baboo does not speak the truth, then you must know when someone else does not speak the truth about you. If you will not believe a lie or joke about your mother, then do not believe a lie or joke about YOU!
If you have believed anyone who has told you a lie about you, then you have sent this feeling all across that invisible spider web. And you will find more and more people who make you feel bad about yourself. Then, you believe even more that something is wrong with you. Do you see how this works now? And don't get all bent out of shape, its YOUR Magic Muscle!
Don't ever see anything wrong with you. Feel great about who you are and what you look like. And when you do this enough, when you really feel good about who you are, you will have sent this feeling all out across the invisible spider web and new friends and events will come to you.
If you have a hard time revving up the Magic, then here is a trick you can do. Take just a minute and think back to something in your life that made you laugh really hard. Maybe you were sleeping over at a friend's house, and telling jokes and you got so silly that you laughed all night long? Just think about something like that. Remember how that felt? Excited, happy, buzzing with energy, that was the Magic running all through you. All you have to do is remember what that feels like and you can feel it again, right now even.
Have you got that now? YES! That was a fun time wasn't it? It made you laugh so hard. Get that feeling inside you then THINK about what you want!
Try this too. Remember a time when you were truly surprised about something great. Maybe a Christmas present, Birthday present, or a visit by someone really special? Think about that for a minute. How you felt, the excited buzzing in your stomach. That's the Magic, now all you have to do is work the Muscle!
When you remember that feeling you are so very happy. And that feeling is just the Magic. You can choose to feel right now or anytime you wish. I didn't make you feel that, I just reminded you it was there. And you did the rest all by yourself! That is how you find the Magic. Now you just think about what you want, while you feel this way. That's using your Magic Muscle!
I could have asked you to think about something that made you very angry. But why would I do that if I can show you how to feel happy? And why would you want to be angry anyway?
Sometimes you will get mad about something. That's just an emotion that kind of comes over you before you have time to think about it. And if this happens, that is ok too. But if I get angry, I don't get mean or ugly. Anger means action to me, and I don't mean violence either. I know that anger works for me. It has to do what I tell it to do. All the anger wants me to do is SOMETHING! I will do something.
If someone makes me mad, I have to remember that somehow they found me over the big spider-web. Somehow I had something to do with it. But they did something I don't like. Lets say a creepy dude pushed me in the hall way. That would make me angry. Then he bowed up to me to tried and scare me.
If he did scare me, then I know I don't feel like I can take care of myself. Maybe I feel like he could kick my butt? So now I would be scared and angry.
That situation would suck, for a minute. But you know what I would do after that? I would figure out that I was scared because I didn't have enough self confidence. Then I would let that anger motivate me to learn how to box, or learn some karate or find someone who could teach me what to do.
I'm Baboo, and Baboo loves peace. But now that I know how strong I am, and how well I can take care of myself, no one wants to push me. Somehow they know if they try to hurt me, they would regret it, HA HA HA.. Funny but true!
If you get angry sometimes, that's ok. But always remember the anger works for you! Just let it motivate you to do the right thing.
You know something else that really helps you to swing some Magic in a hurry is to do something nice for someone else. How does that work? Well just like everything else. You put good vibes out there on the spider-web when you do nice things. When someone really appreciates something you have done, WOW that really sparks that Magic up for you.
When you create your world its all the little choice's that you make. You choose what you decide to think about. You choose what you decide to feel. You choose what you decide to expect. And if you decide to think bad thoughts, or if you decide to feel bad emotions, or if you decide to believe negative beliefs, then that is what you will get more of. And if that is what you really want, then not even I can save you. You will always get what you ask for.
Now Baboo wants to tell you something else very important.