Losing Sleep Over Sleep Loss?
Many of us have such hectic lifestyles and it appears that 24 hours a day are not at all enough to cope.
While we may pay attention to our tummy by having food or even a light snack regularly, we do not hesitate to give up on a good night's sleep.
We take away the sleep-time and give it to some other work every day.
While this could be okay for a day or even 2-4 days, the body has had enough by the end of one week of insufficient sleep.
But in the other extreme, there are people who want to sleep but are not able to! Oh, the trouble of tossing and turning in bed when everyone else is happily asleep.
Insomnia is a condition that can affect anybody anytime, without any age criteria.
Even after 6 hours in bed, you may feel that you have not slept at all.
You feel tired during the day but again at night, you can't sleep.
Everyone else wonders why you look so sleepless even after you have 'apparently', slept through the night.
Stress, other health problems are all possible causes for insomnia.
Mostly, it is the constant worrying about some or the other issue at the workplace that causes sleep loss.
Sometimes, the unhealthy atmosphere at home can cause sleep loss.
There are no sure-fire ways to sleep well, and taking sleeping pills all the time is not a solution.
The key is to try different methods and see what works best.
Try to work yourself out by the end of the day.
Vigorous exercise and a warm glass of milk can sometimes help you sleep.
A nice evening out without too much binging can keep you relaxed and happy so that you can sleep well.
Hot bath and soothing music is also a good idea.
Slight modifications in your lifestyle can prevent you losing sleep over sleep loss.
While we may pay attention to our tummy by having food or even a light snack regularly, we do not hesitate to give up on a good night's sleep.
We take away the sleep-time and give it to some other work every day.
While this could be okay for a day or even 2-4 days, the body has had enough by the end of one week of insufficient sleep.
But in the other extreme, there are people who want to sleep but are not able to! Oh, the trouble of tossing and turning in bed when everyone else is happily asleep.
Insomnia is a condition that can affect anybody anytime, without any age criteria.
Even after 6 hours in bed, you may feel that you have not slept at all.
You feel tired during the day but again at night, you can't sleep.
Everyone else wonders why you look so sleepless even after you have 'apparently', slept through the night.
Stress, other health problems are all possible causes for insomnia.
Mostly, it is the constant worrying about some or the other issue at the workplace that causes sleep loss.
Sometimes, the unhealthy atmosphere at home can cause sleep loss.
There are no sure-fire ways to sleep well, and taking sleeping pills all the time is not a solution.
The key is to try different methods and see what works best.
Try to work yourself out by the end of the day.
Vigorous exercise and a warm glass of milk can sometimes help you sleep.
A nice evening out without too much binging can keep you relaxed and happy so that you can sleep well.
Hot bath and soothing music is also a good idea.
Slight modifications in your lifestyle can prevent you losing sleep over sleep loss.