Health & Medical Men's Health

Let"s Get It Out in the Open, You May Have a Male Yeast Infection!

OK this one is for the guys! I know when you hear the term "yeast infection", you may be thinking, "that's a woman thing".
Well, I have news for you.
Guys can get this too.
Guess what? You may not know that you have a male yeast infection.
Have you ever had?
  • Jock Itch - this is the most obvious.
  • A craving for sugar, constantly...
  • Mood swings and a lack of energy...
  • Forgetfulness...
These are just some of the symptoms that men get when they have a yeast infection.
Males are just as susceptible as women, only the symptoms aren't usually as obvious.
For many men the first sign of a yeast infection will be a digestive problem.
In addition to the above, you may find that you also have constipation, bad breath and diarrhea.
The challenge we have as men is that these symptoms can be tied to other food related issues, and are not always tied to a male yeast infection.
What is it? It is a fungal infection caused by an overabundance of the bacterium Candida Albicans in your body which is also yeast.
This is a naturally occurring bacterium in our body, but it can sometimes get kicked into hyper growth, and start to overwhelm our other natural bacteria.
Usually when your immune system is impacted, you can be vulnerable to this.
What you can do about it? The good news is that you can get this condition under control without drugs.
There are natural cures and treatments.
One approach is to control your diet.
There are many foods that are high in sugar content: white bread, potatoes, and others.
These foods can inadvertently increase the sugar in your system, and guess what yeast needs to grow - sugar.
Another effect that your diet can have on your body is its acidity.
If your body is acidic, it will have difficulty absorbing vitamins and minerals, and as a result, you will find it more susceptible to a yeast infection.
There are a variety of ways to control this.
A simple approach is to drink more water.
Restricting your diet basically starves the yeast organisms and they die off.
Topical Treatment You can also treat some of the symptoms.
If you have itching, then an effective soothing agent is to use vinegar mixed with water at about 10 parts water to 1 part vinegar ratio.
Apply this to the inflamed area of your skin can help soothe the itching.
Of course there are always topical medications.
Some brand names that are quite effective are Monistat, or Micatin.
Again these are designed to sooth the irritation on your skin, not necessarily cure the condition.
So overall the good news is that if you are male, and you have a yeast infection, you have many options to treat it.
Choose the best one that suits your lifestyle and risk level, don't panic, and get well.

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