Parenting Teens - Sorting Out Gender Issues
One of the biggest problems in parenting teens which has attracted a lot of attention recently has been the issue surrounding gender and a child's or teen's sexual orientation.
As parents, we have to be on the look out for this and treat it just the same way as we deal with other kids' problems.
If there is an issue with sexual orientation, parenting teens with this problem is even more of a challenge although I feel that far too much attention has been given to it by the media.
Partly, I believe because of a number of recent suicides by gay and lesbian teenagers who succumbed to bullying and criminal peer pressure.
This should never happen but it does and this is perhaps why it has created angst among teenagers who may have to confront this problem.
If a teen does confide in you that he or she has doubts about his sexuality, try and reassure him or her by letting him know that:- • Being accepted is much easier now than before • Peer pressure may actually lessen if he or she chooses to come out • Sexuality is just one part of a person's make up • Encourage your teen to see his or her unique talents and praise them • Encourage him or her to give the whole question more time as sexual orientation is complex issue.
It may not be the time to come out.
• Explain that being homosexual is just one part of a person's character and is just a variation of human sexuality.
• Explain that the causes are genetic more than anything else.
If there are religious issues, that may be more difficult to explain and a pastor's advice should be sought.
• Your love and support do not change.
You would not discriminate against a child or teen because of a physical defect.
Sexual orientation is not about being disabled.
Growing up is about becoming a completely rounded and well balanced responsible adult.
As regards parenting teens and other issues, the key is sharing and caring.
If you, as a parent can be sympathetic and supportive, your teen will never forget that.
If there are other issues in your home as regards parenting teens, why not let a consultant child psychologist show you a few step by step processes to help you deal with them.
The cost is minimal when compared to psychotherapy or other forms of family counseling.
As parents, we have to be on the look out for this and treat it just the same way as we deal with other kids' problems.
If there is an issue with sexual orientation, parenting teens with this problem is even more of a challenge although I feel that far too much attention has been given to it by the media.
Partly, I believe because of a number of recent suicides by gay and lesbian teenagers who succumbed to bullying and criminal peer pressure.
This should never happen but it does and this is perhaps why it has created angst among teenagers who may have to confront this problem.
If a teen does confide in you that he or she has doubts about his sexuality, try and reassure him or her by letting him know that:- • Being accepted is much easier now than before • Peer pressure may actually lessen if he or she chooses to come out • Sexuality is just one part of a person's make up • Encourage your teen to see his or her unique talents and praise them • Encourage him or her to give the whole question more time as sexual orientation is complex issue.
It may not be the time to come out.
• Explain that being homosexual is just one part of a person's character and is just a variation of human sexuality.
• Explain that the causes are genetic more than anything else.
If there are religious issues, that may be more difficult to explain and a pastor's advice should be sought.
• Your love and support do not change.
You would not discriminate against a child or teen because of a physical defect.
Sexual orientation is not about being disabled.
Growing up is about becoming a completely rounded and well balanced responsible adult.
As regards parenting teens and other issues, the key is sharing and caring.
If you, as a parent can be sympathetic and supportive, your teen will never forget that.
If there are other issues in your home as regards parenting teens, why not let a consultant child psychologist show you a few step by step processes to help you deal with them.
The cost is minimal when compared to psychotherapy or other forms of family counseling.