Home & Garden Architecture

How to Build a Powerchair Ramp

    • 1). Snap a line that goes from corner to corner on each 144-inch board. The line should divide each board into two equal halves.

    • 2). Position your saw horses so that they are lined up and 2 feet apart. Clamp a board flat on the saw horses so the board is held vertically without the line going over the saw horse. The saw horses should be along one side of the board.

    • 3). Cut along the line to separate the board into two equal halves. Repeat this process with the last board.

    • 4). Set each board on their 144-inch edge, so that they are parallel and 7 inches apart. The hypotenuses should be aligned.

    • 5). Lay a sheet of plywood over the boards so its 36-inch end is flush with the 12-inch edge of each board; the 72-inch edges should be flush with the outside edges of the outside boards. Screw the plywood to the boards, spacing the screws 12 inches apart.

    • 6). Lay the second sheet of plywood on the boards so that it is aligned with and up against the first sheet of plywood. Screw the plywood down in the same manner.

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