Are You Really Sick? Or Are You Psychosomatic?
Many of us "think" we are sick, and thinking can make it real - kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.
But sometimes we do feel all the symptoms of sickness.
Many of us are unable to live at peace with ourselves.
Truly, in life, there are many problems.
Social and personal problems are often interrelated, such that they become complex.
To further complicate matters, there are many so-called "experts" or "specialized" sciences trying not only to understand but also to unravel the complexity of human problems.
But if one cannot understand oneself completely, striving to make sense of others will be frustrating and even futile.
In the end, problems will only become more complex.
Remember, in life, there are no satisfactory solutions to human problems.
Specialized sciences and experts will never be able to solve our problems.
Because we are living in a world with problems, we are unable to live in harmony with ourselves.
This lack of harmony leads to disordered body function, so we feel sick.
But are we "really" sick? Or are we psychosomatic? In many instances, we are simply psychosomatic.
We think we are sick, and our body symptoms convince us that we are.
As we think, so we become! Our disordered body function, which results in psychosomatic illness is due to our disordered living, which is often a consequence of alcoholism, analgesic abuse, overeating, and smoking, among others.
A disordered lifestyle leads to a disordered mind with a disordered personality - human sickness is a byproduct of the disharmony.
Interestingly, in India, yoga is considered a science: it is the "ultimate remedy for all ailments of existential life.
" The reason is that for thousands of years, Eastern culture has regarded yoga as a total therapy of personality.
In other words, man should be treated as a "whole," not just as "parts" of a whole.
To cure human sickness, one has to address not just the physical, but the mental, the moral, the intellectual, and the spiritual aspects as well.
Based on this innate belief, yoga is considered not just a form of exercise for the body, but also for the mind and the spirit.
Yoga is a total therapy of personality.
To illustrate, in India true yogis used food to facilitate spiritual development.
Unlike us, they do not think of food in terms of protein, carbohydrate and fat content.
Instead, they use food as some sort of spiritual learning experience.
For one thing, they never overeat like most of us do.
They utilize their eating habits to control their body and mind.
Simply put, they have rigid routines regarding eating.
They eat four times a day at equal intervals, and a very simple diet at that.
It does not mean that they do not enjoy food, but they would not live for eating.
It is the calmness and harmony that bring orderliness into existence.
With this harmony and internal peace, there is no room for psychosomatic sickness.
With a harmonious personality, there is no disordered body function, and hence no sickness.
You do not have to take up yoga or eat like a yogi.
Looking at yourself introspectively may help you find answers to your disordered body function - or why you are sick.
If you attain balance and harmony in body and mind, then there will be no psychosomatic illness.
Disease is somatic, and an imaginary ailment is worse than a disease.
But sometimes we do feel all the symptoms of sickness.
Many of us are unable to live at peace with ourselves.
Truly, in life, there are many problems.
Social and personal problems are often interrelated, such that they become complex.
To further complicate matters, there are many so-called "experts" or "specialized" sciences trying not only to understand but also to unravel the complexity of human problems.
But if one cannot understand oneself completely, striving to make sense of others will be frustrating and even futile.
In the end, problems will only become more complex.
Remember, in life, there are no satisfactory solutions to human problems.
Specialized sciences and experts will never be able to solve our problems.
Because we are living in a world with problems, we are unable to live in harmony with ourselves.
This lack of harmony leads to disordered body function, so we feel sick.
But are we "really" sick? Or are we psychosomatic? In many instances, we are simply psychosomatic.
We think we are sick, and our body symptoms convince us that we are.
As we think, so we become! Our disordered body function, which results in psychosomatic illness is due to our disordered living, which is often a consequence of alcoholism, analgesic abuse, overeating, and smoking, among others.
A disordered lifestyle leads to a disordered mind with a disordered personality - human sickness is a byproduct of the disharmony.
Interestingly, in India, yoga is considered a science: it is the "ultimate remedy for all ailments of existential life.
" The reason is that for thousands of years, Eastern culture has regarded yoga as a total therapy of personality.
In other words, man should be treated as a "whole," not just as "parts" of a whole.
To cure human sickness, one has to address not just the physical, but the mental, the moral, the intellectual, and the spiritual aspects as well.
Based on this innate belief, yoga is considered not just a form of exercise for the body, but also for the mind and the spirit.
Yoga is a total therapy of personality.
To illustrate, in India true yogis used food to facilitate spiritual development.
Unlike us, they do not think of food in terms of protein, carbohydrate and fat content.
Instead, they use food as some sort of spiritual learning experience.
For one thing, they never overeat like most of us do.
They utilize their eating habits to control their body and mind.
Simply put, they have rigid routines regarding eating.
They eat four times a day at equal intervals, and a very simple diet at that.
It does not mean that they do not enjoy food, but they would not live for eating.
It is the calmness and harmony that bring orderliness into existence.
With this harmony and internal peace, there is no room for psychosomatic sickness.
With a harmonious personality, there is no disordered body function, and hence no sickness.
You do not have to take up yoga or eat like a yogi.
Looking at yourself introspectively may help you find answers to your disordered body function - or why you are sick.
If you attain balance and harmony in body and mind, then there will be no psychosomatic illness.
Disease is somatic, and an imaginary ailment is worse than a disease.