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How to Build a Fence in the Right of Way in Florida

    • 1). Contact your local city government to find out if you need a building permit for your fence. Some municipalities in Florida are more strict than others on this.

    • 2). Provide a site plan, permit application, proof of ownership of the property, personal identification and permit fees to the government office if a permit is required for building.

    • 3). Build your fence a maximum of 4 feet high if it is in the front of your house or building. If it is in the back of the property, it can be up to 6 feet high.

    • 4). Space your fence posts according to the directions for that particular type of fencing. For example, wood fences are generally evenly spaced between 6 and 8 feet apart. Use a post digger to dig holes deep enough for the fence to be secure.

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