Technology Electronics

How Do I Build an External Cell Phone Antenna?

    • 1). Place a sheet of newspaper on a table to protect the surface. Stand the coffee can on the newspaper with the open end facing up. Measure 4 inches up from the bottom of the can. Punch a hole in the side of the can at the four-inch mark with the punching tool.

    • 2). Heat up the soldering iron. Insert an end of the copper wire into the center hole in the front of the N adapter plate. Apply solder around the end of the copper wire to secure it to the center hole. Let the solder cool for a minute. Unplug the soldering iron.

    • 3). Insert the free end of the copper wire into the hole in the side of the can. Place bonding glue around the hole. Push the N adapter plate against the hole. Hold the N adapter plate against the hole for a minute so the bonding glue can take hold. Let the bonding glue set for an hour

    • 4). Plug the N adapter port onto the N adapter plate. Plug one end of the antenna cable into the port on the N adapter port.

    • 5). Place the cell phone next to the external antenna you have made. Aim the open end of the can toward the cellular towers--this will be toward a glass window or patio door if inside, and in the general direction of the cellular towers if outside.

    • 6). Remove the antenna plug on the back or top of the cell phone with your fingernail. Plug the free end of the antenna cable into he antenna port on the cell phone. Place the free end of the antenna cable against the top-left edge of the cell phone if there is no antenna port. Tape the antenna cable to the cell phone with cellophane tape.

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