Business & Finance Debt

Overwhelming Credit Card Debt Is Not the End - It"s the Beginning of a Whole New World

The inability to pay credit card debt during this depression makes many people feel they have been mortally wounded by a financial bomb.
But, the good thing is there are always survivors! If you can still see yourself in the mirror, then your financial life has not totally evaporated.
There is hope and lots of it! It's time to get up off your knees and stop begging the banks for more time to pay.
They don't care if you lost your job because they are the reason all our jobs were sent overseas.
It's time to stop begging harassing debt collectors not to sue you.
It is time for you to learn the truth, take action and end financial oppression! While some consumers are out begging for consolidation loans or looking for credit counseling because they believe they've done something wrong, others know they've done nothing wrong in chasing the American dream and they are tired of being beat over the head by a piece of plastic that's forced them into slavery! Innovative hard-working free people who put man on the moon, fight wars against oppression all over the world are what made this country great but now we are facing financial destruction from with in.
To survive you must know who the enemy is and how to deal with him quickly and effectively.
For over 200 years a battle has been raging to establish financial supremacy in our country and you probably didn't even know about it.
If you're willing to spend time educating yourself you can quickly discover how to defend yourself against this unseen force and make our country strong once again.
Use the search term "the gig is up - money the Federal Reserve and you" to see this eye opening history lesson presented at The University Of Colorado School Of Law in December 2008.
This is "gun to the head" information the financial powers that be do not want you to know and it is life changing! You're probably ready to take up arms now and try to immediately change the situation but there's a much better nonviolent way.
The government and nearly all politicians look the other way and many take money from lobbyists under the table to insure their life of luxury provided at taxpayer's expense.
Yes, many politicians got a little piece of the bailout pie! We the educated people can destroy this financial monster easily using the most unexpected and underrated weapon of all time.
It's called "honesty" and it is the foundation upon which our country stands.
Invented back in 1966 this "bomb" is available to every citizen to use on the army of debt collectors the financial rulers have unleashed upon us.
Use the search term "FTC debt video" which is a government cartoon show revealing your rights against collectors.
Do not underestimate the power you have just been handed! Collectors believe themselves to be the "Gestapo" of the financial elite but they are nothing more than commissioned mercenaries scaring people into giving them money! The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is literally a noose around their neck and should they stray and either direction they'll hang themselves! The smallest act of unkindness to any consumer on the phone is their demise.
Use the search term "man wins $1.
5 million from collector" to see the results of a misspoken word.
Record the collectors call as evidence.
Throw your nonexistent money on the floor and dare him to pick it up! Bye-bye Mr.
Demand he show you "proof of debt" when he throws written paper collection notices at you.
None exists! Yes, all that credit card debt you were so afraid of doesn't even exist but you thought it did until you found out the "honest" truth.
Perhaps history really repeats itself.
Now that you're armed with a little nuclear truth bomb to destroy those plastic demons you might find yourself waking up in a whole new world of debt freedom, like you were once upon a time!

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