Home & Garden Home Improvement

Common Components of the Home Security System

A home security system is a wonderful tool which can keep your home and family safe from many hazards: burglars seeking to rob your possessions, individuals looking to hurt the occupants who live in your home, carbon monoxide poisoning, and fire.
Before you simply call up the first company listed in your telephone book, take some time to consider the type of monitoring that would be best for your family.
What components would you definitely like to have installed? Which can be given up if the cost gets too high? The Components of a Home Security System The Control Panel: This is the brain of the entire operation.
The control panel is typically hooked up to your telephone line.
This allows the system to communicate with the company when an alarm is triggered.
Most experts recommend that this important element be placed in a closet or in the garage - somewhere that's not readily accessible to burglars looking to enter your home.
That way, they can't easily disable the alarms once they've broken into your home.
The Touchpads: These handy devices allow you to communicate with your alarm company.
Typically at least one keypad is installed near your main entrance.
This allows you to disable the alarm when you enter your own home by punching in your unique code.
You'll also use this keypad to activate your alarm as you leave your home or while you're hanging out inside.
Additional keypads may be added in other rooms which allow you to communicate with the company when an emergency occurs.
Window and Door Devices: These components let your security system know when a door or window has been opened.
Typically, if the system is activated, you'll have a set amount of time to punch in your code before the alarm sounds and the company is notified.
And if you weren't the one to open the door or window, you can rest assured that the police and other emergency personnel will soon be on their way! Motion Detectors: This component can provide extra protection if someone does get through a door without being detected.
Motion detectors sense motion with passive infrared technology and an alarm will be activated when anyone passes by them.
Glass-Break Sensors: These can be installed on the windows anywhere inside your home.
When a window is broken, your alarm is set off and the company is notified that someone is trying to break into your home.
Cameras: If you're worried about intruders on the outside of your home, you may want to consider purchasing a camera.
While they aren't a standard component yet, cameras are becoming more popular.
You can even purchase fake cameras that are designed to make would-be intruders nervous! Of course, each component comes at its own expense.
You'll need to ask your representative which come standard with your security system and which will cost extra.
You'll also need to evaluate how important each component is to you.
If you'd feel most comfortable with an additional motion detector, it will probably be worth the extra expense to get one.

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