Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Are your thoughts dragging you down?
If you feel you might be depressed, the first thing to do is call your primary care physician. He or she can probably refer you to a professional therapist or psychiatrist who is knowledgeable about cognitive therapy.
If not, you can find a cognitive therapist in your area by contacting one of the following professional organizations:
Academy of Cognitive Therapy
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research
Here are questions to ask your provider if you are considering cognitive therapy for depression:
1. Should I take antidepressants if I'm trying cognitive therapy?
2. How do I find a therapist who practices cognitive therapy?
3. Will my health insurance cover cognitive therapy?
4. When can I expect to start feeling better?
5. How will I know cognitive therapy is working for me?
Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Are your thoughts dragging you down?
Cognitive Therapy for Depression: How to Start
If you feel you might be depressed, the first thing to do is call your primary care physician. He or she can probably refer you to a professional therapist or psychiatrist who is knowledgeable about cognitive therapy.
If not, you can find a cognitive therapist in your area by contacting one of the following professional organizations:
Academy of Cognitive Therapy
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research
Cognitive Therapy for Depression: 5 Questions to Ask Your Provider
Here are questions to ask your provider if you are considering cognitive therapy for depression:
1. Should I take antidepressants if I'm trying cognitive therapy?
2. How do I find a therapist who practices cognitive therapy?
3. Will my health insurance cover cognitive therapy?
4. When can I expect to start feeling better?
5. How will I know cognitive therapy is working for me?