Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Top 2 Secrets for Creating a Killer Resume

If you're suffering from a weak resume that generates little interest from employers, I can help you create a killer resume that generates more job offers than you can handle.

When it comes your resume, remember to speak in terms of the employer's wants and needs, not yours. Believe me they care only about their wants and needs, that is why they are hiring someone, to improve their sales, their customer service, and their profit. Nothing else.

For example, on your resume to apply for a job at a night club you put this as your objective: "To work in a fast paced nightclub and develop my skills as a bartender." That objective is all about you and has NO focus on the employer's wants and needs. I see objectives like that one all the time on resumes.

They are generic, like everyone else's and gives the employer little to no interest in you. Employers want to see people who care about their needs because that is what makes a great employee.

Employers are so jaded from seeing such inauthentic, "me-focused" objectives. If your objective is similar to that one, don't hand out a single resume until you change it!

Here's a much more powerful objective for the same night club job that is focused on the employer's wants and needs..."To drastically increase your profits as (Bar Name's) next bartender!"

Can you see and feel the difference? That jumps out at the employer much more than the previous example. What you need to do as you read each part of your resume is put yourself in the employer's shoes.

What are they looking for? Do I fit that criteria by what I have written down, or am I talking about me too much.

What makes a good objective statement powerful is that it's focused on how you will benefit the employer, rather than how you will benefit yourself. Apply this golden rule to all aspects of your resume, not just your objective.

If you're suffering from a weak resume that generates little interest from employers you probably do not have enough action words in it. "Action" words do just what they say, they describe action. When listing your previous accomplishments/employment list actively what you did at each previous job and how it benefited your previous employer.

For example: If I had a previous bartending job I might write, "Sold ___% of sales monthly, and established great relationships with regular customers. Continuously created repeat customers based on my level of customer service and bar knowledge.

See what that does, it shows the employer how you will help them by using action words like "sold," "established," and "continuously." Those are things that you actively did to help your previous employer, that is what they are looking for. Start each sentence in your previous employment/accomplishments section of your resume with action words.

It accomplishes two things, first it put things in the employers interests and second, it shows them that you take action, are accountable, and care about what you do. Employers like action, hard work, and they are looking for people who will like their buisiness as much as they do, not lazy people, so make sure that you convey that to them through your resume.

If you follow these techniques you will start to have a lot more interest from your potential employers and you will stand our from all of the other boring resumes they read every day.

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