Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Why Our Government Shouldn"t Be Trillions of Dollars in Debt

When I hear a lawmaker explain that several billion dollars as only one half of one percent of our total budget I get a sinking feeling.
Can anyone believe the rhetoric of politicians? I hate talking to liars because when they are telling the truth I cannot tell the difference.
I yearn to hear just one politician try to explain why we have troops and other Americans in over one hundred eight countries, two wars going on and we cannot afford to take care of our own.
I don't want to hear that all of this is necessary to protect our security.
How about our Southern borders and why is our Federal Government suing our own state of Arizona to cover up their own negligence? I yearn to hear an honest appraisal of the damage ear marking does to our economy.
Secretary of defense Rumsfeld testified before a Senate committee that he needed a supplementary fund because his original budget was so full of ear marks for unrelated projects that his budget was running out of funds.
Not one legislator blinked.
When our leaders are self serving as this we have good reason to question their integrity and if they should remain in office.
Every ear marker should be ear marked for the next election.
Our government cannot create a committee, department or a project without first hiring thousands to manage it.
Most of those will be political pay backs The TSA has over 68,000 employees with over 30,000 in management each making over one hundred thousand per year.
Our agriculture department started with a few hundred employees several years ago and now employ over 200,000 employees.
The best fiction writer could not possibly write a script for a movie about a fictitious incompetent government beyond imagination like ours..
Size counts, in government the larger it is the higher the inefficiently level.
I called for an explanation of rules on an insurance issue one time and was told that " they did not know the interpretation of that rule, it will have to be determined in a court".
We are a great nation but time is running out we must spank our leaders before it is too late.
We seriously need something like a benevolent dictator for about ten years to flush the nonsense out of our government.
We cannot expect a perfect government with perfect leadership but we can expect our elected leaders to represent us and they should expect to be one term leaders if they don't.

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