Health & Medical Acne

Acne - Facts and Myths

Acne, it is the most common skin problem people have to deal with, just about everyone has had at least one breakout in their lives.
From young to old, acne can strike anyone, at any time.
Most common in teenagers, acne problems can have a negative affect on a persons self esteem or even cause bigger problem, such as depression and social anxiety.
It tends to affect men and women at different times.
Girls tend to get it more than boys earlier in childhood, during puberty it evens out and in adulthood, men tend to suffer from more breakouts and they are usually more severe than they are for women.
So what exactly causes acne and acne related blemishes? Well, early blemishes are usually caused by blocked pores, this results in either blackheads or whiteheads.
If left untreated, blackheads and whiteheads can become larger and inflamed, which will eventually result in pimples, or zits as some call them.
In some cases, large and deep lumps can develop, these are known as either cysts or boils, which can sometimes be very painful.
Once the inflammation goes away, you are usually left with discoloration known as hyper pigmentation or even scars.
Acne can also result in excessively oily skin.
It mainly affects people around the face, but can show up in many other areas as well.
Any part of the body that has sebaceous glands, is susceptible to breakouts.
After the face, the chest and back are the most common places to find acne problems.
But it can also be found around the legs, arms, thighs and more.
Blemishes from acne can be very irritating or even painful physically, but the emotional discomfort related to the affect on your looks can really be devastating to teens or young adults, already dealing with things like puberty.
This can make it a much more serious problem to deal with, especially if left untreated for a long period of time.
The physical scars left behind from an acne outbreak can take years to go away and all that time, they just might have emotional scars that are getting worse.

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