Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Mildew & a Musty Smell From Carpet

    • 1). Run the vacuum cleaner over the spots to suck up the loose mildew. Go outside and empty the vacuum cleaner canister into a garbage bag or throw away the vacuum cleaner bag immediately.

    • 2). Mix a solution of 1 tbsp. of liquid laundry detergent and two cups of cool water into a bucket. Swish the mixture vigorously until thick suds form.

    • 3). Dampen a clean rag with cool water. Make sure the rag is just damp and not dripping wet. It's important to apply as little moisture to the carpet as possible.

    • 4). Dip the damp rag into the soap suds to scoop some up. Scrub the mildew spots briskly with the soap suds. Continue scrubbing with the soap suds, switching to a clean rag often to avoid reapplying the mildew, until all the spots are gone.

    • 5). Rinse any soap or residue from the carpet with a clean, damp rag. With a dry rag, blot the carpet to remove any remaining moisture.

    • 6). Shake baking soda onto the carpet if the musty smell is still there after cleaning the mildew. Let the baking soda sit on the carpet overnight, then vacuum the powder the next day. You may need to repeat this a few times to remove all of the odor.

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