Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Feline Immune Health is Vital For Pet Wellness

Wild Ferrell cats retain much of their natural immune prowess and are in some ways genetically less prone to illness that our lovable lap kitties.
In this informational article titled "Feline Immune System Health" we will take a look into the dynamics of the feline immunity and then briefly explore a few common reasons why domesticated cats may experience problems staying well and fighting off disease.
The main function of the immune system is to repel and eliminate foreign invaders.
This complex disease fighting system is able to recognize friendly cells from harmful ones through a complex marker system.
By recognizing microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses your furry feline can protect itself from illnesses, both serious and minor.
When a cat encounters an illness the immune system remembers the encounter for quite a while, allowing it to perform more efficiently the next time around.
Indoor or domesticated cats often struggle with staying well.
Part of it may be immune weakness due to genetics or lack of exposure to minor illnesses.
They also may not get enough exercise, have nutritional deficiencies, encounter dirty litter boxes, be exposed to undue stress, have a damaged immune system due to over vaccination, or fail to drink enough water leading to dehydration.
So what can I do to make sure my cat enjoys optimum immune system health? Certainly there is no magic bullet but there are certain steps that you can take to improve immunity while reducing the chances of illness.
Let's explore a few of these.
*Exercise: Exercise should be on the top of everyone's list who is interested in optimizing feline immune health.
Often indoor cats become lazy, fat, or bored after years of being indoors.
If every cat owner simply set aside 10 minutes a day it would go a long way in helping your cat's immune system operate in the way it was designed, and greatly reduce the probability of illness.
*Diet: Provide your pet with a diet high in vitamins and minerals while keeping a watchful eye out for foods that could be toxic such as garlic, onions, chocolate, and coffee.
*Water intake: Not only is hydration an important part of health and can aid the immune system in eliminating urinary tract bacteria.
Dehydration is a serious problem that can put undue stress on the body's naturaldefenses leading to a multitude of maladies.
Additionally, many pet owners have found success in supporting immune health by providing their pets with herbal supplements containing known immune boosting herbs such as echinacea and astragalus.
Herbal immune system health supplements have proven to be an affordable, safe and effective way to prevention and reduce the severity of illness.

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