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Achieve a Lower Handicap by Developing Your Mental Golf Game

Almost every club golfer, and probably most of the professionals, would agree that there are few if any sports in the world that are designed to mess with your head more than golf. It is universally accepted to be the most frustrating game ever invented and certainly the most unforgiving of any error of judgment on behalf of the player. Why then do so few club golfers, even those desperate to get a lower handicap [], fail to acknowledge the importance of the mental aspect of the game?

A golfers mind is the single most potent tool that he has and if mastered correctly will ensure that the golfer seeking that lower handicap will fundamentally change the way he plays for the better. The greatest golfers in the world have learnt the importance of the mental aspect of the game. You just have to see the levels of concentration they display during a round in one of the majors to see how they let nothing enter their minds other than the game in hand. Nick Faldo springs to mind as a fine example in this regard. Notably self-centred and focused during a round of golf he would invariably not speak one word to his playing partners throughout the day. His caddies fared little better. But it was this control and ability to block out the world that led to him winning six majors.

Now, no-one is suggesting that Nick Faldo's non-communicative behaviour should be adopted by all club golfers but there are aspects of his mind control that should be mirrored and that will, if implemented successfully, result in a lower handicap for the club golfer. Even the average golfer must believe in his game and think of himself as a good player. When his mindset is focused in this way it is much easier for the average golfer to overcome the inevitable poor shots and unlucky incidents that affect every round. Without the correct mindset and resulting positive attitude any poor shot or event is likely to have an adverse effect on subsequent shots to the detriment of the whole round.

Having a positive mental attitude is key to good golf. It will allow you to overcome those little difficulties we all experience. But the time to display the positive affects of mind control is just before you are about to hit the ball. At this time, all golfers should learn to focus their mind on one thing only - the target. Try not to allow other thoughts to enter your head as you are about to strike the ball. If you trust your subconscious to take over during the swing phase, being confident in the fact that you have trained your swing the correct way, then it is much more likely that the ball will go where you want it to regardless of what happened with the previous shot. Succeed in this and you will be well on your way to a lower handicap.

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