Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Solve Your Dog"s Aggressive Behavior

Whether you just brought home an adorable new puppy, adopted an older dog, or decided to fix some training problems with your established family pet, dog aggression is a problem that can quite easily be solved in most cased.
It could be problems with barking, chewing, jumping up, pulling at the leash, running away, or any kind of aggressive behavior.
The first thing to remember is that dogs have a reason for doing what they do.
They're intelligent animals, and all their behavior is a form of communication.
Just like human talk to each other and use body language, dogs do the same.
Unfortunately, sometimes it is hard for dogs and people to understand each other, causing problems that could result in aggression or other undesired behaviors from your pet.
Your dog could be aggressive for a variety of reasons.
He could be bored, lonely, uncomfortable, hungry, frightened...
the list goes on and on.
However, there are some basic things you can do to show your dog that you're boss - because no matter what he is trying to say, it is important that your dog be trained to understand what behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
When your dog is misbehaving, use your voice and body language to communicate that his behavior will not be allowed.
Since dogs are social (pack) animals, you need to establish yourself as the leader (or alpha).
Don't be harsh or mean, just be firm and confident.
If your dog hasn't been given any attention or let out to go to the bathroom in a while, try to spend some time playing with him or taking him out for a walk.
Make sure he has toys around to entertain himself with when you're not able to spend time giving him attention.
Of course, if nothing works, there are dog training programs you may look into.
These are a great option for learning how to train your dog and improving your relationship with him.
Especially with home dog obedience programs, you can spend time with your dog, learning what he's trying to tell you and teaching him what you want him to do.
Start by establishing your position with your dog and giving him the attention he needs, and then expand your dog's training with a dog obedience program.

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