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Eco Friendly Toilet Cleaners

    Baking Soda

    • Baking soda naturally deodorizes and cleans the toilet. To use, sprinkle about 1 cup of baking soda into your bowl and scrub down the toilet with your bowl brush. Continue until you remove all of the buildup and flush the toilet. For strong odor, pour 2 cups of baking soda into the toilet bowl and let it sit in the bowl overnight. Scrub with the toilet brush and flush the next day.

    White Vinegar

    • White vinegar is a natural disinfectant that not only kills bacteria, but also provides a strong deodorizer for scents caused by urine enzymes. To use vinegar, you can either pour in 2 cups of white vinegar alone, or add it to the bowl with the cup of baking soda. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and scrub with the toilet brush. Flush when finished. This works well for breaking up limescale residue as well, as the acid quickly attacks the alkaline buildup.

    Lemon Juice

    • Lemon juice is another natural acid that works the same way as vinegar, the main difference is that you are left with a lemon-fresh scent after cleaning the toilet. To use lemon juice, add either 2 cups of lemon juice by itself or add it to the cup of baking soda. If you like, you can even add it to the white vinegar and baking soda for a full-strength cleaner. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, scrub with your toilet brush and flush your toilet after cleaning.

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