Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Are You Looking For a Really Good Exercise That Will Bring Relief From Your Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Is Piriformis Syndrome Pain taking the joy out your life? Do you want relief from that excruciating pain which doesn't include prescription medication? Relief is easier than you may think.
Here's an exercise that I consider one of the best options that bring relief from Piriformis Syndrome or Sciatic Nerve pain.
You may be wondering about what causes that excruciating pain, so here are a few facts for you to chew on.
The Sciatic Nerve is a large one.
The nerve endings come out the bottom of your spinal column, travel down through your buttocks and the back of your legs.
These nerve endings pass through several thick muscles on this path, like the Piriformis and Hamstrings.
When any of these muscles get tight, they can swell, placing pressure on your Sciatic Nerve and causing you a lot of pain.
The Piriformis muscle attaches to both your hip and tailbone.
When it tightens up, it pulls one toward the other.
Ouch! Here's an exercise that will help you find some relief right now and you may remember it as the hurdler stretch from gym class when you were a kid! Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you.
Check to make sure that you are sitting up tall and not slouching.
If it's difficult for you to sit tall on the floor, try sitting on a folded blanket.
This makes it much easier to keep your spine long while sitting on the floor.
Now bend your left knee so that your left foot is flat against your thigh and your left knee is resting on the floor.
If your knee doesn't rest comfortably on the floor, rest it on a pillow or another folded blanket.
The important thing to remember here is that this stretch is for all the muscles along your Sciatic Nerve and that the rest of your body should be comfortable and not straining in any way.
Next, inhale deeply as you lengthen your spine all the way up through your neck, and on your exhale, keep your back long and straight as you stretch yourself out over your extended right leg.
Go only as far as you can without hunching your back, and then relax into the stretch.
It may be difficult to relax depending on your level of pain so if it's too painful for you, come back up a little.
Even if you can't bend forward at all, just sit there and breathe with your legs in this position.
As far as you can go with this stretch is where you need to be until those muscles relax a little.
You'll be able to stretch farther in time.
Breathe deeply in this exercise - inhaling to a count of five and exhaling to the count of seven.
Continue your slow counting and deep breathing for two minutes and then switch legs and repeat this stretch for your other side.
It's important to stretch both sides, even if you only feel pain on one side.
Do this exercise every day.
It takes very little time yet does a bang up job of relieving that terrible Sciatic Nerve pain.
Best of Health Kathi

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