Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Online Shopping Vs Traditional Shopping

Computers,Technology & Internet has changed literally every aspect of human life , no matter what the critics have to say this indeed is a welcome change since the primary objective is to make every effort of man more simpler. As with every industry consumer retailing too has evolved with time , here we are going to highlight certain merits of Online Shopping as against Traditional retailing , we are sure both these models are here to stay & coexist.

The primary benefit of internet is access to information , for shopping it means extensive data about product, brand,specification,comparison etc all at your finger tip to help you make a sensible purchase. The consumer also gets to know about a wide range of products online, some of which you probably have never come across or even knew existed , whereas in a traditional retail scenario you were probably influenced by the representative to pick an item out of the 10-15 varieties displayed to you. Impulsive & Spontaneous buying is pretty common in conventional shopping , thanks to our busy schedule ,at times shopping becomes more painful than a pleasurable event.

In Online shopping as there is no physical exertion & activity, users can patiently browse through the product range without any pressure on his mind like getting back home early, weather, traffic etc. And rest assured a relaxed mind is always capable of making right choices.

Consumer Reviews gives an honest opinion about a product & imagine you get first hand reviews , the pros & cons of a product from people located at diverse geographic location. This helps customers to be well informed & knowledgeable about a certain product of his interest.

In traditional retail a seasonal sale offer in Calcutta might not help a consumer in Bangalore, on the other hand Online Customers have access to all possible offers & deals floated by different vendors irrespective of their place of operation.

In India , Online shopping comparatively is a newer concept. There will be more innovative methods going forward and with infinite possibility of exploring newer methods , you can expect sea change in Online retailing , which ofcourse will be targeted towards creating more happy & satisfied customers. Nevertheless the fierce Tug of war between Online & traditional retailing would be interesting and maybe with innovative methods both can co-exist & complement each other.

Happy Shopping.....

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