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How to Remove Ball Point Ink From Paper

    • 1). Place the ball point ink-stained paper on a clean and dry flat surface on top of two stacked sheets of paper towels.

    • 2). Attempt to erase the ball point ink from the paper using an eraser from an erasable ink pen. Some ball point inks easily erase right off the paper.

    • 3). Open the isopropyl alcohol, and slowly pour the solvent into its own lid until the lid is about half full.

    • 4). Dip the end of a cotton swab into the isopropyl alcohol, and gently press the soaked tip to the ball point ink on the paper. Spin the cotton swab to a new position or use a new alcohol-dipped end each time the cotton end gets dark with ink.

    • 5). Cover the treated area with two more paper towels, and place a heavy book on top. Allow the paper to dry for at least 30 minutes before removing it to examine the results.

    • 6). Retreat the areas where the ball point ink is still visible with additional isopropyl alcohol soaked cotton swabs if the first treatment has not completely cleaned the paper.

    • 7). Spray unscented aerosol hairspray directly onto the remaining ball point ink if multiple attempts with the isopropyl alcohol have not been successful. Gently blot the sprayed areas with a folded paper towel between sprays.

    • 8). Sandwich the paper in the middle of four new paper towels, and press it down with the heavy book for another 30 minutes to dry.

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