How to Build a Loft Bed With Storage
- 1). Cut all lumber to the dimensions listed in the materials section.
- 2). Cut one 36-inch plank into three pieces, each 12 inches by 12 inches.
- 3). Cut each 12 inch by 12 inch square on the diagonal, creating a total of six triangular pieces.
- 4). Sand all faces of your lumber. It doesn't have to be polished smooth, but make sure your kids won't get any splinters.
- 1). Arrange your four beams in a rectangle with the shorter beams inside the longer beams. All four beams should rest on the narrow (2-inch wide) face.
- 2). Screw the rectangle together with two wood screws per joint. Drive the screws in through the face of the longer beam and into the center of the end of the shorter beam.
- 3). Place your plywood sheet on top of the frame so that all faces are flush.
- 4). Screw the sheet in place with one screw per corner, driven through the plywood into the beam beneath.
- 1). Move all components into the bedroom where you plan to install the bed. Moving the pieces will be much easier than moving the fully assembled bed.
- 2). Set one post in the corner of your frame, with the frame above the post and the post nestled on end in the angle formed by the two beams.
- 3). Screw the post in place with four wood screws, driven through the plywood and into the end of the post.
- 4). Reinforce the post by driving a screw through each beam and into the side of the post.
- 5). Repeat steps two through four for the other three legs.
- 6). Set the frame up on its four legs. You may want to get assistance for this step, as it's heavy and still not entirely stable.
- 7). Connect the two posts on the long side of the bed closest to the wall using one 72-inch plank. Position the plank so the bottom edge is 36 inches above ground. Attach it to the posts with three screws per connection, driven in on a diagonal through the rectangle formed by the overlapping plank and post.
- 8). Attach a second 72-inch plank on the inside of the same post, flush with the first plank.
- 9). Reinforce one short end with two 36-inch planks connecting the two posts. Install them on opposite sides of the posts, as you did the 72-inch planks, positioned with the bottom edges inches above the ground. Do the same for the other short end.
- 1). Attach a wooden triangle to the inside edge of one post nearest the wall. Two inches of the triangle should rest against the post itself, with the rest protruding out into the space beneath the bed frame. The longer straight edge of the triangle should run along the length of the post. The other should run parallel to the ground, with the diagonal edge facing downward at a 45 degree angle to the post. Attach with two screws driven through the wood and into the post. The lowest corner of the triangle should be within half an inch of the ground.
- 2). Repeat step one to attach a second triangle, opposite to and level with the first, on the other post nearest the wall. The two triangles together form a surface that will support the shelves.
- 3). Repeat steps one and two to attach two more pairs of triangles. Position them so the top flat edges are at 36 inches and 48 inches from the ground.
- 4). Lay the remaining four 72-inch planks along the supports formed by the triangles. One plank will lay across the short-end support struts, rather than the triangles.