Functional Writing Topics for Second Grade
- A second-grader can write the directions for how to prepare a favorite snack. He should include the ingredients and how to combine them. For example, if his favorite snack is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he would write about how to choose the peanut butter and jelly. He would follow that up with choosing a type of roll or bread and how to apply the peanut butter and jelly to the sandwich.
- A student might choose her favorite game and provide an overview of the rules of the game. She should explain what playing pieces and other materials the game requires. She should also provide an overview of the game's goals and what it takes to win. The written piece should include an explanation of the rules of the game and how to play the game. It might also include tips that she has for her classmates on how to defeat others in the game.
- A second-grader might write down the steps required to clean his room. He could include information about picking up items and organizing them in his room. He could also include information about supplies he would need, such as spray and a rag for dusting and polishing. He can provide a step as well for using a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor.
- A student might choose a craft that she has recently completed and share the steps with her friends. She should include information about what supplies are needed. She would then provide step-by-step instructions. For example, if the craft was making a kite, she could describe cutting a diamond shape out of paper and attaching the tail and string to the kite. A final step might be decorating the kite with paint or crayons.