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Social Standing Of Subterranean Termites

Out of sight but certainly not out of bite, subterranean termites have a reason for existence so long as there is sufficient moisture and a healthy supply of food.
With the exception of their desert cousins, most prefer a damp surrounding.
Traveling along the likes of other creatures living below ground, these pests burrow through the earth and create a web of pathways for their colonies.
Understandably, every twist and turn throughout the terrain is bound to unfold hidden riches in the form of living trees and plants, rotting and dead vegetation as well as other organic products.
This thus provides the required nourishment to spurn them on in their excavations.
This also explains why sizes of colonies can extend far beyond expectations as the visual cannot comprehend nor appreciate their reach.
As in any developed society, they live in accordance to a termite caste system made up of leaders and followers true to the word.
Each colony generally has a pair of king and queen termites to rule the roost.
Homeland security is handled by the soldier termites which utilize chemical warfare and menacing mandibles to keep intruders at bay.
Bringing up the rear are the worker termites entrusted to handle maintenance works and raising of the young.
Indeed, the subterranean termites have evolved well thus ensuring their continual survival despite various efforts by man to eradicate them.
Size does matter when it comes to all living creatures.
Since soldiers and workers of certain termite species are significantly smaller in size than those of other ranks, they make the perfect vehicle within the termite caste to handle tight jobs.
Although their names suggest existence below ground, colonies have been found in areas beyond normal expectations.
As long as the conditions are right, anything is possible in the quest to enlarge the colony and forage for more food.

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