Travel & Places Camping

Essential Items You Will Need on a Camping Trip

Backpacking across the hills is an extremely rewarding activity. You get to spend valuable time with nature and replenish yourself. However, you will need some essential camping gear before you depart on a trip to the mountains. We will look at the most essential items that you will need on the trip. A word of caution - ensure that you know a little bit about the place you will be camping out in so that you carry the appropriate clothes. Don't get caught in heavy rains without waterproof jackets!

1. Tents - Undoubtedly the first item that you should buy for your camping needs is a strong, durable tent. There are varieties of tents in the market so you might have to do some research and also know what your needs are. If you are travelling with your family, then buy a midsized tent which can fit in all the people. You might be surprised to know that large family tents with capacities of 10-12 people are also available in the market.

2. Sleeping material - this will be a crucial part of your outdoor gear because after all those hours exploring the place, you will definitely be tired and a good night's sleep will be important to ensure you can keep your batteries charged on the trip. So ensure that you buy good, cozy sleeping bags, pillows and mats.

3. Cookware - without food, you cannot survive so you will need some basic camping cookware to ensure that you never go hungry. It's definitely not a good idea to be stranded on a hill without food. Ensure you have a pot, pans, plates, portable stoves and a kettle for boiling water.

4. Food and water - even though a lot of people prefer to hunt their own food and drink water from rivers and streams, you should carry some food and water of your own in case you are paranoid of germs and diseases. Carry tinned food and plenty of water for your trip.

5. Other gear - if you are in the habit of using a lot of things in your day to day life, then it would be a good idea to carry additional camping gear. You want to "rough it" in the wilderness but you also want to ensure that you are comfortable enough. So you can carry some folding chairs, flashlights, first aid kit, knives and lanterns. These are essential items which will be extremely useful in all kinds of situations.

These are roughly all the items that you will probably need on any camping expedition. However, ask people around to know more about the place so that you can better equip yourself. Additional discounts can be secured if you go shopping during the off season. The choices might be few but if you can find a good discount store or flea market, then you stand a chance of saving a lot of money. Maintaining a budget also helps in trimming unnecessary expenses.

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