What Are the Functions of the Tourist Board in Jamaica?
- Jamaica's Tourist Board promotes the island as a vacation destination.Sam Diephuis/Digital Vision/Getty Images
The Jamaica Tourist Board was established in 1955 and is government financed. Since 1993 it has been responsible for marketing the island as a tourist destination, while the Tourist Product Development Company manages product development. The board has offices in Kingston, Montego Bay and Port Antonio. It is overseen by the Ministry of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture. - Jamaica's Tourist Board has the function of marketing tourism in Jamaica so it will remain the Caribbean's premier tourist destination. It aims to maintain Jamaica's prominence in the international travel market and improve Jamaica as a product, by working with public and private sectors. The board's goal is to "become the best tourism and travel destination as measured by the international marketplace."
- The Jamaica Tourist Board manages media kits for journalists requesting information about tourism on Jamaica. These kits cover specific destinations and information on topics such as cuisine, sports and the arts. The board issues press releases about developments in the local tourist industry and also maintains an image library for use in promoting and marketing the island.
- Tourism statistics are collated by Jamaica's Tourist Board. Information includes monthly figures on visitor arrivals, numbers of stopover arrivals, cruise passenger numbers, visitor profiles and annual reports covering data such as hotel occupancy, employment in the tourism sector and visitor expenditures.
The Board also completes visitor satisfaction surveys and ad hoc surveys following particular events such as the ICC World Cup Cricket in 2007. - The Jamaica Tourist Board is affiliated with other agencies to market Destination Jamaica. These include the Tourism Product Development Company, the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourism Enhancement Fund, Jamaica Trade and Invest (JIT), and the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA)
- The Visit Jamaica Website is maintained by the tourist board. The website provides information to visitors on where to stay, what to do and vacation themes. It helps couples planning to wed on the island and takes hotel bookings.