Stay Focused At Internet Marketing Seminars and Workshops
I don't know about you but Sam & I have been to loads of Internet marketing seminars and workshops, both large & small, but I guess if you're reading this chances are you too have been there & done that.
The internet marketing arena and 'How to build an online business' markets thrive on courses, workshops, seminars with us all like eager beavers noting down the last scrap of information that rolls off the tongues of our gurus and mentors.
What Frustrated The Hell Out Of Me Over Seminars However there are several things that get me about seminars, firstly more often than not there's some really good information to start with but then just when you're getting to the important stuff, i.
how to actually make it all hang together & work - so often the information falls short so you're left with you head spinning, notepad with half finished notes that make very little sense when you re visit them 2 days later at home and frustrated beyond belief.
Of course then if you've purchased 'the box' - it arrives, you open it with eager anticipation, have a rummage around then close the lid with a mental "I'll look at that all later".
Now I know you recognise this, (you're probably sitting there right now nodding your head) we all do and we have certainly done it, and its OK - blimey we've got a big old filing cabinet in the garage that I d aren't open the door because of all the 'stuff' that would cascade out - so believe me we understand.
Secondly I really find it fascinating meeting and talking to other internet marketing seminar attendees, we've met some really nice people over the years and it always surprises Sam & I how certainly we have found the majority are early middle aged or older (like us) - must say something about our lifestyles, wanting to quit the retrace, better quality of life etc.
Also because we attended quite regularly for a while you bump into some of the same crowd, and you soon discover that many of them albeit very well intentioned lack the focus to actually 'start'.
How do I know this? Well in conversation you hear things like "I was going to devote time to my project but then I got busy at work", "after I've been to so & so's (guru name fill in the blanks) seminar, I'll be full on into it", "we're going on holiday in 2 months time, I'll start when we get back" etc etc Everyone needs to 'Get Started' - Our method was to get ourselves a simple to follow blueprint and it helps to have some learning 'How do I" manuals at hand to refer to when that silly problem occurs.
Learn at your own pace but believe me it's providing you hang in there and work on your business systematically when the results will follow.
What's the solution - Our opinion Well I tell you what we just stopped being 'seminar junkies' for a period of time and now we just stand back and take a long, critical look before saying 'yes' to any now.
Being selective means you need to be disciplined and not believe all the hype.
Lets be honest seminars are expensive to attend, especially with hotel accommodation, food etc - so being selective makes sense to us.
Plus you don't have the opportunity of having that itchy credit card feeling to buy that latest 'make me a millionaire box' to add to the pile you already have.
Toby Russell
The internet marketing arena and 'How to build an online business' markets thrive on courses, workshops, seminars with us all like eager beavers noting down the last scrap of information that rolls off the tongues of our gurus and mentors.
What Frustrated The Hell Out Of Me Over Seminars However there are several things that get me about seminars, firstly more often than not there's some really good information to start with but then just when you're getting to the important stuff, i.
how to actually make it all hang together & work - so often the information falls short so you're left with you head spinning, notepad with half finished notes that make very little sense when you re visit them 2 days later at home and frustrated beyond belief.
Of course then if you've purchased 'the box' - it arrives, you open it with eager anticipation, have a rummage around then close the lid with a mental "I'll look at that all later".
Now I know you recognise this, (you're probably sitting there right now nodding your head) we all do and we have certainly done it, and its OK - blimey we've got a big old filing cabinet in the garage that I d aren't open the door because of all the 'stuff' that would cascade out - so believe me we understand.
Secondly I really find it fascinating meeting and talking to other internet marketing seminar attendees, we've met some really nice people over the years and it always surprises Sam & I how certainly we have found the majority are early middle aged or older (like us) - must say something about our lifestyles, wanting to quit the retrace, better quality of life etc.
Also because we attended quite regularly for a while you bump into some of the same crowd, and you soon discover that many of them albeit very well intentioned lack the focus to actually 'start'.
How do I know this? Well in conversation you hear things like "I was going to devote time to my project but then I got busy at work", "after I've been to so & so's (guru name fill in the blanks) seminar, I'll be full on into it", "we're going on holiday in 2 months time, I'll start when we get back" etc etc Everyone needs to 'Get Started' - Our method was to get ourselves a simple to follow blueprint and it helps to have some learning 'How do I" manuals at hand to refer to when that silly problem occurs.
Learn at your own pace but believe me it's providing you hang in there and work on your business systematically when the results will follow.
What's the solution - Our opinion Well I tell you what we just stopped being 'seminar junkies' for a period of time and now we just stand back and take a long, critical look before saying 'yes' to any now.
Being selective means you need to be disciplined and not believe all the hype.
Lets be honest seminars are expensive to attend, especially with hotel accommodation, food etc - so being selective makes sense to us.
Plus you don't have the opportunity of having that itchy credit card feeling to buy that latest 'make me a millionaire box' to add to the pile you already have.
Toby Russell