Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Scene Kids Compared to Emo Kids

Scene kids seem to love listening to heavily stylized music like punk mixed with rock.
They tend to try out the newest fashion, but add accessories to make their outfits more unique.
They also are lovers of dinosaurs and this is reflected in their myspace themes.
The scene girls tend to sport short cropped hair and the scene boys on the other hand prefer a style that consists of long hanging bangs.
The color choice for scene kid hair is bright colors that are typically streaked into the hair.
In general, their group mentality demands that a scene kid be very outgoing, bubbly, and attention seekers.
At first glance, an emo resembles a scene kid.
However, they have remarkably different attitudes.
An emo is calm, shy, and much more emotional.
Sometimes they even cry at the drop of a hat.
For instance, during a sad movie, it is OK for an emo to cry.
The term emo is ironically a derivative of the word emotional.
The most striking difference between an emo and a scene kid is that they thrive on sadness.
An emo loves to stay at home and check the latest developments on their myspace account and write in their journal or work on their newest poem.
Most people view them as a teenagers that are overly depressed.
Clothing for the typical emo is lighter in color than for the typical goth.
Nevertheless, people tend to get the two groups mixed up.
Also, scene kids and emo kids can be difficult to sort out because both groups cherish their tiny tee shirts that promote unknown bands.
They are enough alike that sometimes they clash.
All these kids are striving to be unique and they hate to be compared and regarded as one group.
One peculiarity is that they both dislike being to compared to goth; lots of adults just label them as goth.
Goth clothing and hair is exclusively dark black which doesn't mirror the scene kid and emo styles.
Nevertheless, the two ideologies are more like diverse musical subcultures.
Both groups are just trying to find themselves, which is what teenagers need to accomplish in order to evolve into adults.
Here is a place that will provide additional information on scene kids

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