Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Plant Cedar Trees

    Planting Your Cedar

    • 1). Locate an appropriate location to plant the cedar tree(s). Mark any electric, gas and telephone lines as well as sewer pipes or septic systems. Make sure there are no overhead wires and that there is room for a large tree. Keep the tree at least three feet away from the edge of a river or lake.

    • 2). Place the seedlings in a large bucket of water and do not remove them until ready to place in the ground.

    • 3). Dig a hole six to eight inches wide and deep enough to cover the roots of the seedlings.

    • 4). Place the tree straight up in the hole and fill with soil. Cover the roots completely and lightly compact the soil around them, leaving no space for air.

    • 5). Plant any additional trees at least five feet apart from each other.

    • 6). Water the seedlings every couple of days for the first month. Keep watering it during dry periods.

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