Emergency Food Supply Ideas
- Store dried beans, pasta, rice, powdered pancake mix, and couscous in airtight, waterproof containers. Keep in mind that cooking beans, pasta and rice takes a good amount of water. Couscous is good because it requires very little water. Jerky, nuts and dried fruit are also easily stored and have a decent shelf life. For a bit of comfort, "just add water" macaroni and cheese or rice dishes are also a good option.
- Set aside "ready to eat" canned meats, such as tuna, chicken, turkey and ham. Soup, ravioli, and chili are good alternatives, as well, since they can be heated or eaten right out of the can. Canned fruit and vegetables are also important; they contain necessary vitamins and nutrients for a well-balanced diet and add variety to a meal. Don't forget to keep a can opener with your canned goods.
- Aside from having at least two quarters of water per person per day, it's wise to store some alternative beverages for variety and comfort. Powdered milk and powdered drink mixes are easy to store and can be prepared one glass at a time. Instant coffee, either in an airtight container or individual packets, is a necessity for those who cherish their morning coffee. Juice boxes are a great way to get extra vitamins; just make sure that the juice boxes contain juice -- not just sugared water.
- Pack snacks for between-meal hunger and as comfort food. Individual bags of chips, granola bars and energy bars are easy to store and great for a quick pick-me-up. Crackers are a great substitute for bread and have a long shelf life. Peanut butter, jam and canned cheese can be added to crackers for a tasty and nutritious treat.
- Rotate your supply of emergency food according to expiration dates. Use airtight and waterproof containers for storage. It's also handy to have some disposable utensils and dishes on hand in order to prevent using your drinking water for washing dishes. Cooking oil, a portable stove and fuel are also important if you want to have a warm meal. Don't forget to store extra vitamins, food for infants and food for family members with special needs, such as diabetics or those with allergies.